Chapter 2

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"Stop!" Galaxy screamed. Patrols were holding here on both sides.

Sunny came running around and saw the 12 year old shrieking. She had long galaxy colored hair. Patrols were on her.

Sunny drop kicked one into other sending them to the ground. She grabbed Galaxy's arm and began booking it back to Flight-Camp.

"Who are you?" Galaxy asked, perplexed.

"My name is Sunny," -Sunny kicked another patrol- "And I'm saving your life."

They came up to Flight-Camp. Sunny slammed on the door.

Sky creaked open the door. She quickly opened it, letting Sunny and Galaxy in.

"What happened?" Luna asked, concerned.

"Two patrol guys were trying to drag me to the Launch Pad!" Galaxy cried.

Launch Pad. That was a hard word for Sunny to hear. That was where your wings were forced. It was on top of Flight-Camp.

"It looked like you were being attacked!" Sunny said.

"I wasn't. I was with my two friends. I escaped, but they didn't. They're being dragged to Launch Pad!" Galaxy retold, tears welling up in her amethyst eyes.

Sunny desperately wanted to help. She knew helping wasn't an option, though. The patrol were to strong.

"We need to lay low." Sunny suggested. That was the best option for their survival.

"I should just turn myself in." Galaxy sighed.

WingStalls never thought of such a thing. Sunny couldn't fathom the choice Galaxy was about to make.

"No," Sky said, beating Sunny to it, "WingStalls don't give up so easily!"

Galaxy smiled. "Thanks." The girls came into a warm embrace, the first good time in years.

A slam on the door abruptly stopped them.
I promised a shorter chapter 2! Chapter 3 is going to get pretty intense!

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