Chapter 3

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"Luna, Galaxy, hide!" Sunny commanded. Luna and Galaxy rushed behind a pile of fire wood. Two patrols burst in.

"State you name and age!" One yelled. They had a navy suit. They had vibrant dark blue feathered wings.

"Sunny, age ten!" Sunny lied, putting her hands up.

Sky, doing the same, said truthfully, "Sky, age eleven!"

"Liars! Round them ALL up." The second patrol commanded.

"We have orders from King Rich to lock them up and take them to Cloud City in five days." The first, obviously then a girl, said.

King Rich? Why were Sunny and her friends going to Cloud City, let alone to see the King? It was utterly mind boggling to Sunny.

Or this was just a fancy wing forcing.

Even though chains bound Sunny's hands, she kicked up above her head and hit the guard. Sunny flipped backwards and landed perfectly. She hit the chains on some dried fire wood and they shattered into a million pieces.

The female patrol on the ground grabbed Sunny's leg and dragged her down.

"Don't you dare WingStall." The patrolwoman said, chaining Sunny up again.

The word WingStall hurt Sunny. Being chained again drained Sunny's drive to break free.

As the final glimpses of Flight-Camp filled Sunny's head, she let her tiredness get the best of her. Her eyes closed and drifted into sleep.
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 3! I'm pretty proud myself.

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