3- Counseling

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Kaia POV~

I got home but I saw my mom Olivia's car, she and Zoey got out and Vikky hugged me. "hey, Zoey," I said and picked her up.

"Hi, Kaia I miss you so much," mom said and I set Vikky down to hug mom.

"I missed you both, what are you both doing here?" I asked.

"we heard about Andria, and we wanted to be here, we are a family were going to get through this like a family," she said I smiled. I walked to the front door and unlocked it they walked in and I closed it. mom has alway's smiled even in bad situation's and I dought Vikky know's what state mom Andria is in, it's hard for me to lose control of my own emotions like I did yesterday.

"I've got to do homework," I said and walk back upstairs.


I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing, I shot up looked around my room for my phone it was on the floor next to my bed. I checked it to see it was Kyle, I checked his message 'I see that you mom's back :)' I smiled and then I organized all my homework and put it in my backpack. I changed into different clothes.

I was still confused about Cartman, it was just so... Weird. ok don't think about it, just go to school, he's more than likely messing with me. I walked to the bus stop I see Craig there. "Hey, Craig," I said as I approached him.

"Hey Kaia," he said in return. I stood next to him, I heard snow crunching in the background but I didn't have enough time to see who it was. someone jumped on my back causing me to fall with the amount of force of the contact. as I hit the ground I didn't feel the cold cement or any snow, with my coat on I felt like I was boiling, and hitting the ground I hurt. I managed to turn my head to see it was Kenny.

"fuck you," I got out he smiled. I could hear Craig laughing a bit. "I hate you both," I said.

"we love you too, Kaia," Kenny said and pat my head. I sighed and I heard more foot step's on the concrete coming to us.

"What are you doing?" I heard Kyle ask.

"what does it look like?" Kenny asked almost in a flirty voice.

"Alright, time to save Kaia," Stan said and I felt weight lift off my back and I got up. I unzipped my outer lair jacket and just tied it around my waist. "Kaia, it's 20 degrees out here, put your jacket back on," Stan said.

"no mom, I was boiling in this jacket," I said. I still felt really warm, but I wasn't about to take off my other jacket till I get in school.


"Kaia, why did you call me here?" Craig asked. He walked toward me. I see Tweek enter the art room as well. Craig turns to see Tweek and vice-versa.

"Take a seat Tweek," I said he does hesitantly, neither of them looks at each other only at me. "ok, I know there's a lot of tension since the break-up, but before that and the relationship you guys were friends," I said and they took a glance at each other for a second, then back at me. "whenever you guy's want to say something to each other, you would keep quiet about it or have me be the messenger between you both," I continued.

"it's been well over two years, you should still be able to talk to each other somewhat even if it's about... the weather, just say something a small topic just to break this tension between you guys," I said. Craig sighed and turn to Tweek.

"something," Craig said and looked at me and got up from his seat. I blocked him off and put my hands on my hips, standing my ground. "I'm taller and stronger than you," he said and crossed his arms.

"I don't care, this was either going to happen with me or Macky and Mr. Le, and you can get an Idea where it could go, me I'm letting you both off easy, this needs to happen," I said. he sat back down. I walked out of the room and shut the door leaning next to it.

"Hey, Kaia, what's going on in there," Kenny asked, almost with a smirk.

"helping out Craig and Tweek, I just want them to say something to each other that's not having me to give the message, good or bad this needs to happen," I said and he leaned up against the wall next to me. "all they need is to get over that initial tension is all, so they can say hi in the halls again," I said he nodded.

Craig POV~

"she's really making us do this," I said.

"ya," he said he didn't even look at me. "does she know?" he asked.

"you have to be more specific Tweek, there's a lot she knows," I said.

"about you having p-powers," he said.

"know, I'm generally stronger than her," I said. more silence, she was good at least getting us to talk somewhat. "how is the coffee shop doing?" I asked.

"G-good," he said. I think were work slightly backward. "I-I notice instead of her normal eye color, it was a r-really light blue," he said. I was confused but I think I saw that at the bus stop this morning.

"ya, I think I saw that too," I looked at my watch seeing it was almost 5. 

"your m-mom's setting up family dinner a-again?" he asked.

"ya, I'll see you tomorrow," I said and got up, then walked over and opened the door. I see Kaia and Kenny leaned up against the wall now both looking at me. "you didn't even try to block the door?" I asked. she shook her head, "listening to see if we were talking?" I asked again, she shook her head. "how do you know if we talked then?" I pointed out and crossed my arms.

"you both hate silence that lasts longer than a minute, you either would have talked or just opened the door and walked out not talking at all within the minute," she said. "I know you both since 4th grade I got a good idea of your likes, dislikes, un-comfort zone, and comfort zone," she said. I just started walking out of the building then walked home. it was nice talking to Tweek, she did well to help us.

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