6- Strange

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Kenny POV~


"What the hell Ken? she Can't know she'll be in danger," Kyle said in anger. I get why he's doing this, to protect her. But I couldn't lie to her anymore.

"I couldn't lie to her, not anymore," I said in defense.

"but now she know's, she's not safe anymore, They'll use her as bait to get to us, you endangered the team and her by doing this," Stan said.

"no, she need's to know, she's more than capable to defend herself, She already figured out who I am along with Tweek," Craig said.

"ya that was in 8th grade back when you and Tweek last dated and stopped be hero's and wanted to act normal," Kyle said.

"whatever we can't change what happened she only know's who Kenny is not anyone else, I don't see why we need to argue this, what's done is done," Craig said and I changed into regular clothes.

"Is stan going to be ok?" Kyle asked, I never seen him like this, Sta's been hurt before and he didn't act like this.

"He's asleep, the cold blast didn't do much damage other than very mild frost burns but, you helped healed that, he has a fever and resting," I said. he sighed in slight relief. I still can't get what happened last night out of my head. I hear her laugh in the distance I look to see Cartman's arm is around Kaia's shoulder's, both of them laughing. Kyle turned around and then shook his head.

"oh hey guy's," Cartman said. 

"The hell do you want?" Kyle said not looking at either of them.

"going to school, poor Kaia has been away too long, especially after her trigger I'm going to help her," he said. it makes no sense she dosen't like Cartman, and Cartman isn't good for her, he might have something to deal with her trigger and acting weird, this isn't her. she wouldn't hurt anyone.

Tweek POV~

I stayed home, I had too, the frozen blast she did, frozen some of my nerves. Craig is staying with me and helping me. "you still can't use your healing?" he asked.

"n-no," I said I'm really cold. he's staying by my side holding me close to him, I'm drinking some coffee to warm up as well. "s-something hap-p-pened when she was c-captured, s-she isn't act-acting like she n-normally would," I said.

"ya, and Cartman showing up out of nowhere she calms down, he's been a little obsessed with her the past few weeks, he showed no interest in her before, there both under something," he said. "you want anything?" he asked and looked at me. "I'm going to make some food," he continued.

"L-let me c-come with you," I said, and he took off his jacket and gave it to me.

"if you're coming downstairs with me put on my jacket, it will keep you warm," he said. I smiled a little bit and put down my coffee and put on his jacket. so warm, and smells like him. I picked up my coffee cup and we walked downstairs together. when he didn't look at me I was just admiring him, I miss him. I love him next to me, both of us laying on my bed doing nothing but just watching t.v. "Tweek, you ok?" he asked.

"ya, I'm fine, s-still a l-little cold," I said.


Cartman POV~

we walked to an abandoned building walking around with this decoy sucks. this better be worth it. I put the android on the charger and walked over to the main base. my mind became clear, I see Butter's glove on a pedestal and I see that phyco guy obsessed with Kaia. "what the hell?!" I see Kaia chained up in the air, unable to fight. he was standing there and turned to face me.

"there you are, They believe you, especially Kenny," he said with a smile his eye's turned purple and my mind was coulded again.

"ya, there so gullible," I said with a smirk. "but what are you going to do about the little Ice queen?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"make her mine, her powers are uncontrolled right now, but she's perfect, I need you to keep up the act till she's ready"

Kenny POV~

"I need you to keep up the act till she's ready" I heard Cole said, of course, it's him. I looked at her from above, her hair pure white her face looked so calm and seemed like the world around her was going perfectly fine. I need to help her.

"leave us," Cole said and Cartman left the building. "I know your there Kenny, you can't hide from a teleapath," he continued. "she's beautiful isn't she, and powerful, the only thing weak about her is that she's more hurt by fire," he said as he grabbed a barbecue lighter, and lit something under her producing a large flame, she tried fighting it, her body moved and struggled from the flame. he put it out.

"it could be much worse for her if it got any bigger, she would become weak, not able to move her own body weight, not able to defend her self, now what needs to be done is that you willingly give up, not for her, but for your friends, there secret Identity all the crimes that Chaos did you put him away forever, you care for them right? Kenny," he asked with a smile.

I jump down landing on my feet, "Fucker," I said.

"fighting back against me, you can't," he said with a smile. he walked over and chained me to the wall with my hand behind my back, my feet on the floor, rusted slightly. then he left, there was a burst of cold from her uncontrolled power, a little frost on the chain's that hold us. I heard a groaning noise from her. "Kaia, hey wake up," I said and she slowly moved her head around and looked at me.

"Kenny, what happened?" she asked with a raspy voice.

"you have been stuck here for days by Cole," I started...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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