4- Crazy

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Kenny POV~


"What the hell Ken? she Can't know she'll be in danger," Kyle said in anger. I get why he's doing this, to protect her. But I couldn't lie to her anymore.

"I couldn't lie to her, not anymore," I said in defense.

"but now she know's, she's not safe anymore, They'll use her as bait to get to us, you endangered the team and her by doing this," Stan said.

"no, she need's to know, she's more than capable to defend herself, She already figured out who I am along with Tweek," Craig said.

"ya that was in 8th grade back when you and Tweek last dated and stopped be hero's and wanted to act normal," Kyle said.

"whatever we can't change what happened she only know's who Kenny is, I don't see why we need to argue this, what's done is done," Craig said and I changed into regular clothes.

It's been about 3 year's and nothing happened to her beside's a couple drunk guy's at night. but she's the only one who knows what I really go through. I thought I was alone but how is she the only one who remembers? is she special like I am?

she walked over to the bus stop, "hey Kaia," I said. "I have a question, how are you the only one that remembers?" I asked.

"I don't know but you won't have to go through it alone anymore," she said and I smiled. I heard the snow crunching beside us more than likely a deer or some sort of animal. "She's getting better, she finally woke up," she said with that cute smile of her's. "she and my other mom are getting along again," she continued. I notice her hair a streak of it all of a sudden turned white.

"you hair, some of it just turned white," I said she looked confused. I took a picture of it and showed her.

"what the hell!?" she said shocked. "W-What am I suppose to do?" she asked.

"I Don't know," I said. there was crunching of the snow we both turned around but then we blacked out getting hit with something.

Craig POV~

It's 3rd period I haven't see Kenny or Kaia and almost time to leave since it's a half day. "C-Craig," I heard Tweek's voice beside me. we haven't spoken since our break up well maybe once or twice but never kept up a conversation, not without Kaia there almost as a buffer.

"ya?" I asked and closed my locker and turned to face him. his cute little face looked worried.

"h-have you s-seen Kaia?" he asked. "we have T-the same 2nd and 3-3rd classes, b-but she didn't call in sick," he said weird.

"Maybe she forgot?" I answered but I was confused as well.

"S-she never does," he said back. "W-what if she was h-hit by a car, or her phone is broken and s-she's hurt, or, or she was captured by someone, Maybe Kenny is in the same situation!!!" Tweek started to freak out now everyone was looking at us. I took his arm and forced him to follow me to where hardly anyone goes for the hallway.

"Tweek, no one would take her or hurt her, and if she was in the hospital they would have told the school if she was, when the bell ring's we can walk to her house and check on her, alright?" I said trying to calm him down. he nodded we walked to our locker's to get our stuff, then the bell rang. I walked outside and waited for Tweek.

he soon came out and we walked to Kaia's house. "w-why did you stop being super Craig?" he asked.

"well, I didn't see why I needed to continue it was fun for a while but being a superhero wasn't for me, so I just quit, and acted like I was normal," I said he nodded. "What about you?" I asked.

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