Rescue mission

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"Liam, go home. Your not coming with us." Stiles hissed out

"What? Why not?"

"Because it's a full moon and I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have my throat ripped out."

"Stiles, I'm going Okay. Lacey is in danger, and there is no way in hell I am staying here when I can be helping her. I need to be there"

"Liam, I get it Okay. But you can't. You aren't in control, you broke out of the last chains we put you in, we would have to freeze you in carbonate.."

"Great, where do we get that?." I asked with my eye brows up, clapping my hands together

"Oh, you haven't seen it either?.." he squinted his eyes and I knew he was being sarcastic. His eyes went back to normal as he signed
"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes, you don't have to do this." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder

"Yes I do Stiles! This is Lacey!! If I don't go I'm going to go insane, especially since it's my fault that she got taken, I should have been watching her."

"Liam, none of us blame you for this, we know that it wasn't your fault. No one knows why Kate took her, but she probably would have taken her one way or another.. and let's remember that we are also going to go rescue Kira and Scott." Malia added

"Well, yes!! You should have been watching her!" Stiles cut in
" but guess what, she was taken either way, and now we need to go get her, and you aren't in control liam, especially when and since your ANCHOR is one of the people who was taken." I was getting upset with stiles, but at the same time I couldn't. I really liked Lacey, but I knew that no one cared more for her than stiles. He was always the one to protect her, even if it meant that it could kill him. He never cared about himself when it came to Lacey.

"Stiles please!! I'll do anything. Find bigger chains, a better trunk. Just please let me go Stiles I'm begging you. There has to be another way." I pleaded
Stiles and Malia were both looking at each other until a little idea seamed to pop into Malias head, because she tilted herself and had that look in her eyes..

"Maybe there is..." she said


"How did you get a military transport van?." Stiles asked, this van was huge, and thick with metal sheets. Maybe this plan would work after all...

"I'm a US marshal stiles." Braeden said

We all got in the car, then some extra door slams occurred

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek shrugged towards me

"Yes, are we really bringing him?" Stiles shrugged towards peter
Gosh I hated peter, obviously they would much rather want me than freaking Peter, he's a liar, and a traitor, and an all around grade A pain in everyone's ass
Everyone kept talking, but I zoned out. Yes, I was extremely terrified that something might happen to Scott or Kira, but Lacey is my world. And I haven't even known her for that long.
•it's okay Lacey, I'm going to find you• I thought to myself. Off to Mexico...

"Okay sweetie, this is how things are going to go. You are going to work your little witchy magic on Scotty over there."
Wait.... witchy magic, what was she talking about?
"If you resist, then I'll torture you, if you cooperate, then I won't. But either way, you won't be seeing your friends again. Because I could use a legacy by my side." Kate was slowly pacing back in forth in front of me, waving her hands around as she talked.

"I don't know what your talking about, I'm not a witch."
"Oh hunny, you don't know yet do you?"
" know what Kate?" I said, being snarky towards her name
Kate lifted herself up and straightened her back, crossing her arms
"Your a legacy, that means that you are every single supernatural creature in the world."
I'm sorry, what? Is that even possible, is that a thing?
"So yes hunny, you are a witch, now I need you to be one."

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now