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"My moms book club usually has more wine than this." Said Lydia.
Scott, stiles, Malia, Lydia, Theo, Liam and I were all sitting in the living room of Scott's house with copies of the 'dread doctor' book in front of us. Apparently that freaking psycho Valack told stiles and Lydia that if we read the book we will remember if we've ever seen the doctors before.
I hope that I don't get memories...

"Well they also probably didn't read books that give you violent hallucinations." I said, snarling to myself

"Well that's why Malias here" Scott had replied

"So we don't go Running into traffic?"

"Or worse"

"Mmm... maybe we should have my mom read it.... she might remember a girl with a tail leaping off of the ceiling and attacking everyone" I stared at Lydia as she eyed the book cautiously

"Yeah, if it works." Stiles added

"It has too"

"What do you mean?" All of our focus was now concentrated on Lydia

She bowed her head and drug her hand up to her face to start nibbling on her index finger, with her eyes concentrated on the cover
"I think I saw them during my surgery.... when I looked at the cover it was like-"

"A memory trying to surface.." Theo cut in
The room was silent for a split second


"Isn't that what Valack wanted when he wrote the book?"

"If they did something to me, I wanna know what it is." Lydia took a seat on the couch and grabbed the book, placing it in her lap. She sat their, waiting patiently for the rest of us to do the same. I self nodded and went for a book, I wrapped my hand around the spine of it and instantly felt cold. I felt dark and cold, almost slight death or something. That's what this book felt like

"Lace, you Okay?" Liam reached out and touched my arm, only for black veins to appear on his skin
"Your in pain" he said.
I swear I saw Theo shift his body towards me when Liam said this aloud

"It's just this book. I can feel it. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It's horrible." I replied

"Horrible as in 'the grinch stole Christmas' horrible, or horrible as in 'bad juju' horrible?" Stiles asked, crossing his arms while walking over to me

"Horrible as in death. I don't know how Lydia isn't feeling it. But this is incredibly strong. People are gonna die...." the room fell silent as the rest of the group eyed the books. Standing around with haste as they each cautiously took a book and sat down. Lydia slowly opened the book as we all started reading.


"Anyone feel anything yet?" We all looked at Scott. We had been reading for a few hours and we definitely had needed the break, especially since stiles and Liam were already passed out



"Definitely hungry" I added

"I think he meant the book.." Theo looked over at me and just stared into my eyes. I hadn't really talked to him since after he kissed me, and I didn't want to. Who the hell kisses someone who is in a committed relationship? I truly don't understand that guy

"I'm gonna go..." I stood up and put the book down on the table, grabbing my bag and walking out of the door

"Lacey wait" Theo had appeared right behind me, I stopped and turned around

"What Theo? If your gonna kiss me again then I'm leaving." I said

"I won't. It's just.... I love you Lacey"
I'm sorry... what?

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now