Puncture wounds

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We all ran towards the Jeep as stiles and I jumped in and stiles quickly locked the doors. Scott pulled the lever but the door never opened

"Stiles? What are you doing?" I asked

"Stiles , let me in..." Scott added

Stiles looked at me with a grim face, and moved his eyes over too Scott
"You believed him... you trusted him too." Stiles said
Scott's face fell as he stopped attempting to open the door and he put his hands on the window

"You don't even know her really story..." he said, referring to me and Donovan

"I don't need to. All that matters right now is making sure that your dad is okay..." Scott lifted his face to look at the both of us
"Stiles come on. We have survived assassins and dark druids. Alpha packs and evil you. We can beat these guys too..."
evil stiles?...
"Come on..."

I looked over at stiles and grabbed his hand.
"It's okay.... he is trying to make up for it, it's our job to give him the chance too..." I said.
Stiles closed his eyes and nodded. He unlocked the doors and Scott pulled the door open and jumped into the back seat..

Stiles payed no attention too Scott as he grabbed his radio and went on the police station.....
"We aren't looking for a missing chimera stiles..." I whispered

He nodded and pushed the button
"This is stilinski! We are looking for a missing teenager!!"
He slammed the radio down and drove off towards the school. Which of course was silent the entire way... stiles wouldn't even let me put on some music..

We drove into the schools parking lot and came to a stop that almost sent me flying through the windshield...

All three of us ran out and went straight to the kids locker. Scott ran up and tore the door straight off, throwing it the the floor.
He pulled out a sweatshirt and we both caught his scent

"Now we have his scent.." Scott said
Scott threw the jacket. I followed it with my eyes and saw Malia catch it, then start sniffing as well
"You called her?" Stiles said

"We need all of the help we can get. We should be calling everyone." Scott looked at me, along with stiles as they both gave me a look.

"No." I said blankly

" Lacey..."

"No! We are not calling Liam!"
I shouted

"I agree. He tried to kill you, and possibly almost killed Lacey! He is not being called anytime soon."
I looked at stiles for defending me and gave him a sibling nod

"I got it... I have his scent" Malia stated. She started walking away as we all followed her

"What happened to you two?" I nudged at stiles

"Uhh.. we kinda broke up.." he said

"Yeah, Kira and I kinda did too..." Scott added
I sighed and looked at both of them

"Yeah well... I might end up being single with the two of you" my comment caused Scott to look at me

"This was Noah's, he was here... I think he's close.." Malia said... we all stopped and looked around. I didn't even realize that we had walked underground

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now