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"What do you mean he's killing her?"

Scott and stiles basically threw me in the Jeep and hauled away, Liam had to literally jump on the car in order to come. They drove straight to Deatons with no hesitation.

"Well. It's seems that when you set your room on fire, you released enough energy for him to latch on too and escape your body... bug you both are still connected." Deaton explained to the four of us

"Well how do we disconnect them?" Stiles asked

"I don't know. But whatever the solution is, I don't think you guys are going to like it. Normally, a supernatural bond isn't broken unless immense force is used."

I sat on the table without saying any words. I didn't exactly know what to say. There wasn't much too say..

"Lacey?" I turned my head to look at the rest of the group, focusing on Deaton
"How did you know that you were possessed, and why didn't you tell anyone?" Deaton asked

"I didn't want anyone too worry. And then the mystiques came and she helped me with the whole situation and gave me informa-"

"Mystiques. Who the hell are they?" Stiles Interrupted

"They are a magical force. That protects extraordinary creatures." Deaton cut in
"When did you see them? Was it the entire clan or just one person?" He asked me

"Just one person. A woman. Her name was serenity" I said

Deaton simply nodded his head but turned his head to liam who suddenly started talking

"Actually, there's something else. Lately, every time Lacey has gotten hurt. I've felt it."

Deaton looked at me, and somewhat quickly rushed over.

"May I see your palm?" He asked

I hesitantly flipped my hand over and had my palm facing up. He grabbed it and started rubbing his thumb across the surface. He picked up the scalpel from his metal tray and looked at me. I slowly nodded as he let the tip of the knife fall across my hand, drawing blood where it's touched

"Ahh..." Liam gripped his hand and almost made a hissing noise.
I looked over at him and saw a red line across Liams palm on the same hand that I was just cut

"Incredible" Deaton said under his breathe

"What is?" Scott asked, as stiles looked completely lost.

"I've never seen it, only read. Can it be?" Deaton seemed to be talking to himself more than Scott. He walked over to his cabinets and took out a box. He twisted the top to reveal a hidden compartment in the box. Inside of it was a bag of golden powder

"What is that?" I asked

"It's called seliffa dust. It shows the hidden" he said
"If it's alright with you and Liam, I'd like to sprinkle some of this on the two of you. To test out a theory."

I looked at Liam the same time he looked at me

"Yeah, sure." Liam said, stepping next to me.
Deaton opened the bag and spread some dust into his hand. He gripped his hand shut and lifted it over Liam and I.

He slowly loosened his grip on the dust and let it fall on Liam and I. It quickly fell around our bodies as Liam and I both started to glow gold

"Wha-what's happening?" I asked, looking at my hands and at Liam.

"It's working" Deaton said under his breathe once again

I felt a tingle on my forearm as I lifted my hand to see a small scarring there. Well, it wasn't exactly a scar, it was more of a symbol, it looked like a moons, lined up on my arm
I looked over at Liam as he showed me the same symbols on his arm

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now