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"The plans perfect" I confirmed to my brother

"Or you know, we could actually wait until we get into college to figure out where we're gonna live." Scott said, lifting his head up to look the the lights of a full moon

"I have a vision dude okay? A beautiful vision. Don't ruin the vision." I looked at my brother, and gave him a 'What they hell are you talking about' look
"Have you guys checked out East bay? You know, you haven't looked at Oakland yet.." I said, trying the lighten up stiles' "vision"
I turned my head towards stiles to see him not even paying attention, just holding down the map with his hands against his beloved rust bucket of a Jeep.
"Ughhh." I sighed. Falling against the hood of the Jeep
"Hey, watch it." Stiles spat, as he gasped and glared at me, then began to pet his car.
I shook my head then leaned myself up, propping  myself up against my elbows
Looking up towards Scott but suddenly feel and rush go through my head
*Let go*
I was blinking my eyes rapidly as I tried to get my head straight
I kept hearing it. That voice, it's now always in my head
"Hey Scotty, you Okay?..."
I got out before wincing at the pain

I gripped onto my head as I sat up.
Digging my nails into my temples as I could feel the blood start to drip down
Pain makes you human, right?
"Are you Okay?!" Scott heaved
I felt my hand on my shoulder. I couldn't help but think about all the ways I could tear him apart. Limb by limb.
It would be so easy. Just one swipe of my hand and they are dead. All of them. I want to. I want to kill them so badly
I quickly squinted my eyes shut as hard as they could close
Oh my gosh Stop
I took in a few deep breathes before opening my eyes
"Lacey. What's going on? Are you okay?"
I looked over as stiles and nodded at the two boys
"Yeah.... yeah, I'm fine." I pushed out
"Oh really? Then why are your eyes-"
Before stiles could finish, Scott reaches over and punched stiles on the arms, sending him to the floor
"Ow! What the hell." Stiles grunted, holding onto his arm
"What about my eyes?" I asked, looking over to Scott.
"Nothing, just forget about it." He said
I listened in on his heartbeat to hear it rising. So was stiles.
What aren't they telling me?
"Are you starting to feel it?" I asked, a tiny bit worried for Scott as he just looked into the sky with a concerned face

He shook his head "no, I'm just thinking about senior year."

"Senior year.. that's, that's... that's nothing. That's going to be easy." I turned my head to stiles to see him shaking him head and almost smirking at Scott. I whipped my hair and hit stiles in the face, only to see scott scrunch up his nose as his eyes almost relaxed
"Scotty?... what's wrong?" I placed my hand oh his arm

"It's something Deaton said to me once... have you ever heard of regression to the mean?"

I scrunched up my nose, shaking my head
"Uh no, I've never heard of it." Stiles huffed

"It was his way of saying that nothing can ever be too good or too bad. You know? Like eventually it had to meet up in the middle...
but think about the past few months. They've been good right?"

"They haven't been the best." I raised my eyebrows
"Yeah but it's been three months and no one has tried to kill us.. which means that the scale has to tip one way or the other right? Which means that things can either stay really good.."

"Or get really bad.." stiles cut in

"It's funny how that's good to us." I added
Scott and stiles just looked at me, but we all quickly snapped our heads to the sky at it crackled with thunder. Lighting was lighting up the clouds as if it was daylight. The crashes and crackling of thunder made me cringe
Then stiles looked up at me while Scott looked down
"You think it's been long enough yet?..."
"Yes!" Was all we could hear as
All three of us turned our heads behind us to a very liam tied up the big oak tree
"Hey! Trying to have an adult conversation over here!!" I yelled back.

"Okay! Your the same age as me! And they are only two years older than us!"
I huffed, jumping off of the Jeep and onto the leaves, dusting off the invisible dirt from my jeans. I waited for Scott and stiles to dust themselves off then we started walking towards the chained up teenager
"It's not that we don't trust you-"
"It's that I don't trust you." I looked at stiles and smacked the back of his head
"Ow!" He shouted
"Shut up" I glared at him as he rubbed the back of his head

"But I mean... after that last full moon.."
"It was one slip up." Liam whined
"More than a dozen calls to the sheriffs station about a monstrous dog boy running around the streets beacon hills naked, you call that a 'slip up'?"

I saw Scott's face fill with curiosity in the corner of my eye, and i instantly knew what he was going to ask next
"Why were you naked?"
"It was really hot out that night, okay...."
My face instantly turned red and I went wide eyed. Trying to make sure my heartbeat didn't fasten. But Liam had too turned red, and his heartbeat wasn't so under control...

Scott turned to face me, giving me a disappointing look, and I guess stiles saw
"Oh my gosh!!!!! Are you kidding me!!" He shouted.
I slapped Liam on the arm for giving away secrets that didn't need to be known...

"Okay whatever... are you sure you are in complete control?"
"Yes, complete control. I'm fine, I swear." He started giving me puppy dog eyes, then soon realized that they weren't working on me, then moved on the Scott
Scott soon nodded his head and turned to stiles to get the key. Unlocking him and dropping the chains into a duffle bag, making a loud clattering sound
"Thank you!!!" Liam yelled as he lunged onto me with his arms opened wide, engulfing me into a huge bear hug as we both fell to the floor
"Liam!" I laughed out, he was moving his hands all around my body, tickling me until I couldn't breathe
"Liam!! Li- I can't.— breathe!" I shouted as I couldn't control my laughter
I rolled over beside him since I couldn't control my body from the tickling, he pulled his hands back to him and we both laid there laughing

This is what I loved about him. About us. We were happy. Finally and utterly happy...

I wanted to have more chapters in this book, because Lacey came after everything with Derek and Scott biting Liam. So I will just combine chapters 4 and 5 into the same book.
And book number 2 will have all of season 6.

The Legacy // Liam Dunbar Where stories live. Discover now