One- The Found Files

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Google knocked on Darks office door, requesting entrance.
"Come in" the low, echoing voice said from the room. Google opened the door. Darks office was still black as ever; only a desk and chair sat at the wall, where Dark sat, writing on a piece of paper.
"How may I help you, Google?" Dark questioned, not turning his attention away from his work. Google was not disturbed by this, he had grown used to Darks strange way of knowing everything.
"Well, you know how I have each egos memories saved in my files, right?" the robot began to explain. Dark simply nodded, barely listening to Google. Still, the latter continued to speak. "I was going through the files, making sure there weren't any viruses or unwanted things in our memories, and I found some...... interesting files in your folder"
Dark stopped for a moment, sighing. Why did any of this matter to him? The robot could have just deleted the files if they weren't important... unless-
"Who are Damien and Celine?" Google asked.
Dark froze completely. They still existed.... Dark thought they would have disappeared from this world once he was created. Then again, he should have figured they wouldn't be truly gone; without them, Dark would not exist.
"Those files... do not concern you. They aren't important" Dark lied, keeping his voice calm. Google smirked: he knew Dark was lying. He just needed a push to tell the truth.
"So, you wouldn't mind if I just deleted those files-"
"NO!" Dark yelled, his voice echoing. Google jumped slightly in surprise, but was nonetheless satisfied with the result. Dark let out a deep sigh, accepting defeat.
"Play playlist 'Who Killed Markiplier' on YouTube" Dark said wearily. He watched as Googles eyes went into scan mode. It wouldn't take long; Google could speed watch videos and get every single detail.
Once Googled finished, he stared sadly at Dark, frowning.
"I... didn't realise, Dark... I'm sorry" whispered google. Dark shook his head in response.
"It's in the past, it can't be helped..." the two were silent for a while, before Dark spoke again. "No one can know about this, okay? Especially Will"
Google raised his eyebrows in surprise.
"He does not remember?"
"No, and I intend for it to stay that way..."
Google was confused. Why would Dark not want Will to remember all of his friends?
Then in hit Google; why Will killed people without hesitation, why he always seemed crazy; he was crazy. He lost those memories along with his sanity, and bringing back those memories, and the horror he went through...... he wouldn't be able to handle it.
"I.... I see" Google finally said. "This will stay between us"
Dark gave the robot a very small, almost unnoticeable, smile.
"Thank you..."

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