Eric Derekson- The Accident

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Eric's entire body was filled with pain. He slowly opened his eyes, confused about where he was. Once his eyes had focused and he took in his surroundings he screamed. There was blood, so much blood. And the bodies... his brothers bodies.

"M-Meric? Leric?...." He began calling out the names of all fifteen of his brothers, in hopes that one of them would respond. But no one made a noise or moved. He tried to crawl over to the nearest body, only to be met with almost unbearable pain coursing through his legs. His heart pounding, he slowly looked down towards the lower half of his body and almost threw up. His legs had been crushed, stabbed, slit, broken... they didn't even look like legs anymore.

He began calling for his brothers again, his voice getting louder and louder until he was screaming their names in between sobs. Still, no one made a single movement. He reached out for the hand of one of his brothers, and managed to grasp it. It was cold and stiff.

That's when Eric realised he was completely alone. His brothers were all dead, and he'd probably die there too. Finding his mothers handkerchief in his shirt pocket and holding it close, and still clutching his brothers dead hand, he began to cry. He cried until his tears were dry, and even after that he still sobbed, letting his voice go hoarse.

It would be hours before police found the bus, thrown to its side on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, completely destroyed. They would find all but one of the sixteen occupants dead, the sole survivor refusing to let go of his brothers hand, before being forcefully yanked away and placed in an ambulance.

Hours later he would lay in a hospital bed, his legs amputated below his knees, and his father would stare down at him, his face contorted with anger. How could he be the only one to survive. It could have been any of them, and it was his most disappointing son. They all were prepared and ready to take over the family business. All of them except Eric. Now he was Derek's only chance at keeping the company alive. So he'd make sure Eric made a full recovery, give him the best prosthetics money could buy, and set him straight to work, not even giving Eric any time to grieve over the loss of his family.

Eric would spend years studying and learning about a career path he didn't even want to pursue. But he had to make his dad proud. He wasn't going to be the disappointment anymore. Besides, it's not like he had anyone to live up to anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2018 ⏰

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