Sanders Sides- Guilty

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"Oookay, I can't stand that guy"

"Still don't like you.."

"To offer his mopey dopey input? I don't like him"

"Look, it's just... You're never really fun..."

Those words rang in Romans ears like a siren as he lay wide awake in his bed. His words. He couldn't take them back, as much as he wanted to. Sure, the prince had made up with Virgil, but it didn't make what he'd said any better. Roman knew that, and now he hated that he'd let himself hurt Virgil, not even thinking of the consequences he could face.

He sighed heavily, sitting up on his bed and removing the blankets. If he wasn't going to get any sleep, he may as well get find something to eat. That might distract him. Silently, Roman snuck his way out of his room and down the stairs towards the kitchen. He eased up once he'd made it to the bottom, believing the coast was clear. That is until he saw a figure standing at the open fridge, a glass of milk in his hand.

"Virgil?" Roman questioned, moving slowly towards the anxious side. Virgil jumped, not having seen or heard Roman come down. However, he quickly relaxed once he saw it was only the creative side. He gave a small sigh.

"Hey Roman, I was just getting a drink" Virgil murmured, moving aside so Roman could search through the cabinets. Roman nodded, finding himself a snack bar and closing the cabinet. The two stood there awkwardly, consuming their late night snacks.

"So... how are you doing?" Roman asked, attempting poorly to ease the tension.

"Uhhh, I've been fine since I last saw you.... a few hours ago..." The awkwardness only grew between the two. Roman quickly swallowed the rest of the bar, simply wanting to end the conversation before he said something he'd regret.

"Okay then, I suppose I shall see you tomorrow my compadre, good night!" Roman began rushing for the stairs. However, he only made its few feet before he felt his arm being pulled back. He stopped in his tracks, holding back a groan.

"Okay Princey, what's the matter?" Virgil turned Roman to fave him, a genuinely concerned look on his face. Roman was surprised to say the least. He'd seen Virgil show concern towards Patton and even Logan, but never him. Still he wouldn't give in. He didn't deserve it.

"N-nothings wrong Virgil, I'm completely fine" Roman lied, avoiding Virgil's piercing gaze. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Roman, I've known you long enough to know when something's bothering you, so you might as well just spit it out" Virgil's voice grew more stern. Still, Roman resisted him.

"I told you, I'm fine" He hissed through gritted teeth.

"No you're not-"

"I said I'm fine Anxiety!"

The words escaped Romans mouth before he could think, and his breathing hitched. Virgil was taken aback, and released his grip on Romans arm, staring at the prince shocked. He hadn't called Virgil by his personality trait since he revealed his name. Guilt instantly began swarming through Roman. He'd messed up. Just like he always messes up. And he'd only continue to mess up. Who would he hurt next?

Tears spilled out of Romans eyes as he collapsed to the group, shake. He continued to apologise through his sobs, though he doubted it would help make up for everything he'd done. However, he felt a pair of arms wrap around and envelope him in their warmth. Roman looked up, and saw Virgil holding him close, rubbing his back fondly and softly shushing his. Slowly, he hugged back, allowing himself to cry into the emo's shoulder.

Once Roman calmed down and the two finally parted, they sat on the couch together.

"Now, do you wanna talk, or you not ready yet?" Virgil asked quietly, staring at the fanciful side patiently. Roman nodded and took a deep breath.

"It's just... before we fully accepted you, I had treated you like the worlds biggest villain" Roman began, keeping his voice steady as he looked sorrowfully into Virgil's eyes. "I insulted you, teased you and called you names. Yet, you seem completely happy to forgive me for all of that. I just don't understand why. I don't deserve to be forgiven after all the things I did and said to you, and I'll probably end up continuing to do it without really noticing"

Roman still avoided Virgil's gaze, worrying that looking at him would bring him back to tears. Virgil places his hand on Romans shoulder.

"Roman..." Virgil started quietly, moving Romans head to face him. "Those were just words. Sure I may have been annoyed or offended by them, but I know you want to try and fix things, and that you regret what you said. I forgive you for all of it"

Virgil then gave a small smirk.

"And, to be fair, I wasn't much better when it came to you, so I guess we're even, Romano"

Roman couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and Virgil smiled seeing Roman cheer up. The two sat in silence for a while, both content. Finally, Roman silently spoke up.



"Thanks for giving me a second chance"

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