Chapter Three: Narcissa

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"Who wants cookies?" Narcissa Malfoy asked, rushing over to me, sitting on the grey couch in her cold Living Room.

I shook my head. I had been turned off of cookies ever since Beth Livec. Draco had found one of her moldy cookies when we were at the Leaky Cauldron. We were so creeped out by the finding; Draco threw it out the window and I was pretty sure a crow ate it; I actually feel bad for putting that crow through the torture of eating that cookie.

"Um, no thanks, mum." Draco refused. He was sitting on the large red and green chair by the lit fireplace. I imagined Mr. Malfoy would have been sitting there, giving me disapporving looks; if he was alive, that is.

There were two grey couches, both side by side on the back of the large white-walled room. Arcoss from the twin couches was a large, bricked fireplace. Golden snakes were weaving in and out of the bricks on each side. One large, green and red chair was by the beautiful fireplace; the master throne, if you will. It was a cold and chilling room, yet it was comfortable.

"No thank you." I asked quietly. I rubbed my arms; they had goosebumps all over them. It was so cold in the room, even though the fireplace was lit and was roaring.

Narcissa shrugged and flopped herself down next to me. "Suit yourselves." She said.

She picked up a sugar cookie and took a big bite, taking half the cookie away with a single bite.

"So you found your home?" Narcissa asked, rubbing the cookie crumbs off her grey dress and her legs.

"Yes," I piped up. "In Sleepy Grove. Smallish house. It's quite nice, actually. I really like it. I can't wait to go there, to be honest!"

Narcissa clapped her hands. "Wonderful!" Narcissa cried. "So.. about the wedding!"

"Mother.." Draco sighed shamefully. "Not now!"

Narcissa cocked an eyebrow. "But Dracy!" Narcissa complained. "You have no ideas about the wedding! The cake, the dress, the place, the guests, the music, the Maid of Honor, the Best Man, the flower girl, the priest, nothing!"

"I think you and Ginny would make good friends." I noted to Narcissa.

"Please!" Narcissa begged. "Come on, Dracy! It's not every day your son gets married! Why can't you let me plan, Dracy, when niether of you are!"

I laughed. "Yeah, Dracy." I smirked.

Draco scowled at me, reminding me of his younger years. "Fine." Draco gave in. "Go on and plan the wedding.."

Narcissa made a squeal similar to a pig's and turned towards me, the largest kind of smile stretched apon her face.

"The dress." Narcissa breathed. "We need to go look for the dress!"


I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My face was in an unsure postion and my brown eyes looked disturbed.

Narcissa made me put on this wedding dress, but I did not like it; it went down to my ankles, showing off my feet. The sleeves were long, white silk and had lace at the bottom. Lace was in weird patches on the dress, such as by my neck and on my back, leaving my back very bare. A single string of lace kept the dress together, making it feel lopsided. In other and simpler words, I really did not like that dress.

"Um.. Mrs. Malfoy?" I asked sheepishly.

"Narcissa." Narcissa corrected.

I nodded. "Yeah, Narcissa?" I asked again.

Narcissa smiled lovingly, I take she liked it when I called her by her name instead of Mrs. Malfoy. "Yes?" Narcissa said happily.

I hesitated. "I- I don't like the dress." I said quietly.

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