Chapter Four: The Death of Pansy Parkinson

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I brushed the top of my thighs awkwardly, because I was in so much shock that I did not know what to do with myself at the moment. I had totally forgotten how close the Malfoy family and the Parkinson family was, besides Draco, of course. But Narcissa was close with the girl.. this must have struck her as sudden, it struck me as sudden..

Pansy? Dead? Was.. was this a joke? A terrible, twisted joke? Created by Pansy or.. created by someone? Or was she really dead? Gone forever with Professor Dumbeldore, Tonks, Lupin, Fred, Ariana, James, Lily, Sirius, and Snape.. I never ever, in my whole life, thought of Pansy actually dying.. The thought was.. sickening.

I was brought back to reality by the sounds of Narcissa's wails and by Draco's comforting words. But I was mostly brought back by another owl, this time a barn owl, pecking at the window that the owl-of-bad-news had been only shocking minutes before.

I slowly stepped away from the suddenly cold couch and glided much like a ghost to the window silently and opened up the window, taking the three letters out of the barn owl's mouth. I let him rest a moment before flying off again.

The letters were very fancy and high class looking; one was adressed to Narcissa, the other was adressed to Draco, and the last was adressed to-- me.

I ripped open my letter slowly, not knowing what to expect, I don't know if I wanted to know.. I pulled out the letter, the first thing I saw was the red ink, it was bright and shiny like blood. It kind of scared me a bit..

Dear Hermione Granger,

Us, of the Parkinson family, want to invite you to the funeral of our beloved family member and friend, Pansy Parkinson. It will take place at Hogsmeade Funeral Home; Hogsmeade, Wednsday, July 15th, 3:00pm-6:30pm. It would make us, and Pansy, so happy if you came. Thank you.

Love, The Parkinson family.

I threw Draco his letter and gently placed Narcissa's in her lap, the letter becoming instantly wet. I continued to reread the letter as Draco read his. My brain still hasn't soaked it in.. Pansy is actually dead.. gone.

Draco looked up at me. He looked sad, but not in tears like his mother. Draco watched me for a few minutes, I did the same; wondering what he was thinking, although my mind was mostly focussed on Pansy.

"So?" Draco asked quietly. "Are we going?"

I flopped down on the couch behind me. This was all so much.. I understand now why Narcissa is crying so much! I actually felt like crying myself..

"Why are you asking me?" I snapped, anger getting the hold of me.

Draco didn't seem to notice, for he went to explain, "Well, I don't want to go if you don't. I'm only going if you are."

I sat on the couch and thought of Pansy; everything she's ever said to me, everthing she's ever done to me, everything she's ever done to Draco or said to Draco, everything she's ever done to ruin my life..

"Yes." I assured Draco loudly. "We are going to Pansy's funeral."


"Are you sure?"

"We have to pay our respect, I've told you that. It wouldn't be right if we didn't!"

"Respect? Respect! She never showed us respect!"

"She did it out of love."

"She has a strange way of showing love."

Draco and I whispered fought on the way to Hogsmeade Funeral Home. We stopped abruptly when Narcissa caught up with us; we didn't want to make her more upset than she already is. Her eyes were pink and puffy from crying and her hair was messed up because she didn't seem to care any more. It was quite depressing to see her like this.

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