Chapter Six: Sleepy Grove

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With a giant heave, I lifted the last box into Draco and mine's new home. The early morning sunlight shone through the little house beautifully. A light wind blew through Sleepy Grove nicely, it was rather refreshing.

Ginny brushed by my shoulder, whipping the sweat off her brow. "It's really hot today!" Ginny complained, throwing herself onto my bed. "But all in all, it's a really nice house."

I chuckled to myself. "Thanks," I breathed. "I love it too."

"How modest of you, Hermione." Ginny goofed.

I slowly walked around the room to the window, where I looked out to see around the town. People were walking around happily, shopping and chatting among themselves. It was a lovely place, I had to admit. I was lucky to live here; it was way better than Godric's Hallow, in my opinion.

Where was Draco? He said he was going to go pick up some food and drinks. He also said he'd be back in ten to twenty minutes; it's been half an hour. Should I be worried? Or am I just over reacting? Probably the second one; my mother often called me a drama queen.

"So.. When is the wedding?" Ginny asked, sounding slighty uncomfortabe.

I tore my eyes away from the window and turned myself towards Ginny. "Erm.. August. August the seventh. Narcissa and I was planning the other day. The cake, the dress, the band, the bridesmaids, the food, everything pretty much."

"Oh," Ginny said; her voice sounded pretty disappointed, but I'm sure she didn't want me to hear it in her voice.

I sat down next to Ginny on the bed. "That reminds me." I exclaimed, Ginny's eyes popping at my words. "Do you want to be my Maid of Honor?"

Ginny sat there in shock, staring at me with her mouth ever so slightly open. She seemed to be in a trance for a few minute before throwing herself at me in a bone-crushing hug. "Yes!" Ginny screamed. "Yes! Yes YES!"

After Ginny had calmed down, I started to tell her the rest. "I was think maybe Luna and Fleur as bridesmaids? If they're up to it, of course."

"They'd love too!" Ginny claimed. I laughed about how fast Ginny answered me.

"How do you know?" I asked; I was a bit nervous. What if Fleur doesn't want to because I broke up with Ron? Would she hate me? Would Mrs. and Mr. Weasley hate me? I don't do very well to hate, if you didn't know.

Ginny shrugged carelessly. "I know Fleur now, remember? She's married to my brother. I'm sure she'll be as honored as I am." Ginny admitted.

I sighed lightly. "Yeah, I suppose." I said; another though popped into my mind. "Um.. Is- is Ron seeing anybody now? Out of curiousity, of course.."

"No," Ginny said right away, as if my awkward question wasn't awkward at all. "I doubt he's been seeing anybody, besides the people in the minstry. He's an auror with Harry, although I don't know the point of aurors now all the dark wizards are pretty much gone due to You-Know-Who's down fall. Actually, lately, they've been having a weird case. Someone is using the UnForgivable Curses. They don't know who, the person is covering up their trail pretty good. I think-- Hermione? Are you alright?"

I turned away from the window to look back at Ginny. I was going to lie and say 'nothing', but I couldn't like to Ginny like that, not after all we've been through together. "It's Draco." I told her hoenstly. "He was supposed to be back fourty minutes ago! I'm getting scared."

I know Ginny tried to hide it, but her brows furrowed and I could see the consern. "How about we go look for Draco in the shopping place?"

I tried to contain my laughter. "Shopping place?" I echoed after Ginny, cocking an eyebrow.

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