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"Draco!" I squealed, running out of our bathroom. "Draco!"

"Out here, honey!" Draco called from the flower garden outside. 

I quickly sprinted from upstairs and out the open front door, and into the bright sun. It burned my pale skin as I ran over to the garden, which looked beautiful in the light; we planted the garden last year, a few days after our wedding day.

Draco sat up straight, and wipped the sweat off his brow. He was shirtless, and even though I've seen it so many times before, it still amazed me how buff Draco was. His muscles were so perfect it was hard to believe they were real, they were almost magical.

"Up here, Hermione." Draco stated with a laughter, indicating to his grey eyes. Usually in this situation I would blush, but I was too excited to care that I got caught staring. 

"Draco!" I screamed again, a grin forming itself. Draco stood up and walked the couple of feet I was from the garden. He pulled my hands against his chest and I could feel his heartbeat through my hands.

Draco lightly kissed my nose. "What is it, honey?" Draco asked sweetly. That was the things about Draco; one minute he is teasing you like an older brother, and then the next he was the sweetest husband you would never let go.

I sucked in a breath. I didn't know exactly how to tell him so I would just have to come out with it; "I'm pregnant!"

Draco's face flooded from all expression and he became pale. For a moment of horror, I thought he was going to be mad or upset with me.

"I'm going to be a father?" Draco finally coughed after a few horror-filled moments. I gingerly nodded, my face worried.

Draco cried out happily and grabbed my hips, lifting me up off the ground and spun me around in a couple circles before placing me back down on the ground and hugging me. He fell onto his knees and put his hands on my belly.

His eyes looked up to me. "Our child's in here?" Draco asked quietly. 

I slid my hands over his. "Yeah, it is." Now I blushed.

"How..." He breathed to himself.

I lifted his chin up with my finger so I was looking into his eyes. "It's called magic." I told him happily.

Draco stood up quickly, grinning widly. "What are we going to call it?" He cried, grabbing my hand. "Is it  a boy or a girl?" He asked, ushering me into the house. 

"I don't know it's gender yet, silly." I giggled, flicking his nose.

Draco shrugged and opened up our front door, a cool shade falling over me. "But what would we  name it?"

I thought about it as Draco guided me onto the couch. I sat down and looked up at him. "Minerva for a girl." I said. "I think that'd be a great name." 

Draco nodded. "I agree. And how about a boy?" Draco turned towards the kitchen. "Want anything?" He called as he entered the kitchen.

"Water, please!" I called after him.

He entered the living room once again and handed me a glass of water. "How about Sirius?" I asked.

"Like, Sirius Black?" Draco asked. I nodded and he grinned. "Perfect."

"I think they're very fitting, if I do say so myself." I said smugly, sitting back into the comfy couch and sagging my shoulders to become more relaxed.

Draco eyed me carefully. "Are you hungry?" He asked suddenly. "Do you want anything to eat? I could make you something if you are hungry!"

"No thanks."

"Are you sure? Don't hesitate to ask if you are."

I blinked at Draco. "Why are you being so nice to me?" I questioned. "I can do things myself; I am not an old women, you know."

Draco slightly blushed but it soon faded into his normal skin tone. "I just want you to be perfect and ready when the baby comes along and I want the baby to have a trouble-free, calm life. Something we never had."

I took Draco's hand and pulled him closer. I looked deeply into his sharp grey eyes, my favorite color. "Our child will have the most wonderful life and you know why?"

Draco shrugged. "Why?" He asked. I pulled Draco down and my lips lightly brushed against his own. Then I backed my head up so I could see his handsome face.

"Because our child will have the best father."


And that is it. My story is over. I hope you all enjoyed it, there will be no more of these stories. No more Hermione and Draco for me, the series is over. I hope you are all happy with my ending and if you are not, I am sorry but this is my story, not your's and I am pleased with the ending. 

If you want to know how their child is, they had a boy first; Sirius Remus Malfoy; he has Draco's grey eyes and dirty blonde hair, but short and smart like Hermione. Two years later they had a daughter, Narcissa Minerva Ginny Malfoy; she has Hermione's brown hair and brown eyes, but Draco's height and personality. 

Thank you all for joining my magical journey. I love you all, goodbye xox

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