Chapter One

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It was a year after the battle of Hogwarts and Hermione was making her way up the ministry, with incredible speed. She was taking an Auror course, so she could go out to the field. The current Minister had tightened up the security until no one could enter the magical part of Wales without explicit permission from the Minister himself and had demanded all former death eaters shall be put under the truth potion. Hermione thought that fear of the past drove the Minister to some perhaps a tiny bit intense measures, but it worked. There had been little to no crime for the past year but they expanded Azkaban as every death eater put on trial was found guilty. As the minister's assistant she would be interviewing Draco Malfoy, and hopefully getting a promotion. She didn't give Draco a second thought. Why should she? He never gave her one in the fifth year.

First year-King's cross

Hermione had met Draco on the way to Hogwarts, when he accidently pushed past her breaking her favourite book's spine. He apologised profusely and pulled out a long slim stick and muttered a weird word -Reparo- magically the ancient dusty book joined back together. He whispered another strange word- Scourify- and it was pristine again. She grinned toothily at him and he returned it shyly. A large man dressed fully in black, with a majestic black cape and an elaborately engraved silver cane strode towards the small boy with his platinum hair slicked back. She realised she didn't know his name and was about to introduce herself when the man, presumably his father, ushered him along

'Come now, Draco. There will be time for that later. Your mother wishes to say goodbye.' His tone was clipped and cold, as if there was no arguing with him. The boy, Draco, pleaded with her, his ice blue eyes portraying real fear. She smiled a little sadly and said 'See you, Draco. I'm Hermione by the way. We can sit on the same carriage if you like.' He smiled, genuinely happy to be near her. The cold man used his cane to make Draco go forward. Hermione had never looked back at him and had no idea where he went afterwards. The man's cool dangerous eyes never left Hermione, watching her go to her muggle parents. He crouched down to meet Draco's height.

'Listen here, Draco.' He said almost spitting the words in his anger. 'You will sit with her. You will not go near her. She is a filthy mudblood and if you go anywhere near her, I will discipline you and your no-good mother. Now, most importantly you will not go anywhere near mudbloods or blood traitors. You will only make friends with purebloods that are in Slytherin. And you will go up to Harry Potter hold your hand out and say I am Draco Malfoy. You will want to spend time with me and not whoever you are now. Have you got that? Remember you are a Malfoy, act like it.'

Narcissa Malfoy looked her husband and son crouched down together. If was anyone else she would have thought that they were having a gentle, father to son talk. But Narcissa knew things about her husband things that would make grown men weep and often did. She knew of the young girls he was with, she knew of his failing loyalty to her and the Dark Lord, even the dark mark could not hold him for long. He could never pick a side, only was loyal to a side if it suited him. And, if he chose a side the Malfoys agreed constantly, never wavered. Or at least, that anyone other than she could see. She was stuck. If she left her husband she faced the wrath of her malicious, crazy sister Bellatrix, one of the best witches of her time and intensely loyal to her lord. Bellatrix's husband, Roldephous knew of her relationship with the Dark Lord. He said nothing, though Narcissa knew he suffered from a love long past as she did. But, if she stayed, Her baby boy Draco, the only thing to ever give her happiness, would be dragged into this mess.

Hermione shook her head too stop her remembering. She had often wondered whether Draco's father had anything to do with his sudden coldness but never thought about what is was like for him or his mother. She had thought also of his innocent expression from when they first met or the time they had snuck out to Hogsmeade. Now, she didn't dare. The Ministry would kill her without a second glance if they thought she was with Draco, in any shape or form. So, she hardened her mind and apparated to the top-secret entrance. She had a job to do. She loved how official she sounded.

Her boss had often remarked on her inability to leave a task unfinished, sometimes suggesting she take tomorrow to be with some friends. Truth be told, Hermione had no friends, since she and Ron experienced a painful breakup with Ron twisting his disloyalty to the point that both Ginny and Harry had both abandoned her with disgust. But, Mrs. Weasley had sad eyes like she knew the truth. The truth is a valuable thing. She just had to know it alone. But she liked the solitude. Or at least that's what she told everyone and herself. And so Hermione arrived an hour early to work and left twelve hours later without fail. She never called in sick as no one was there to look after her. She was, in every way, alone. Truly alone since her parents tragic deaths. She was there too, but only could save herself. For 6 months she couldn't leave her house. Ron had found her and gently coaxed her out of her hole. They were the best times of her life, with Ron's carefree ways not the constant hunger for women and money that Hermione knew. He had smiled when she got home from work and made meals on special days with romantic special gifts. Then he changed. He took all her possessions, robbed her of a social life and pushed her into her broken state. It was in large, all Ron's fault. Hermione had wanted to kill Ron, she was so seething with fury. But as time went on, she felt defeated. Ron had ruined her revenge as well. She no longer wanted him back.

She had been on few dates but they never went anywhere past the fourth date with the guys either being infatuated with Hermione or simply acted as if they owned her. Both was a turn-off and Hermione remembered vividly her latest date.

The man was handsome and easy on the eyes, and seemed charming and funny at first. But as Hermione zoomed in, his eyes were too wide for his face and he was arrogant, wanting Hermione to drop everything for him to walk around parading her whilst looking creepily at young girls short skirts. On their fourth meeting, he took her to an alleyway and suddenly shoved his tongue down the back of Hermione's throat. His hand wandered up her midsection and before she could say anything he was touching her. She slapped him but he wouldn't let go. She pulled out her wand and whispered the words she thought she'd never say: Avada Kedrava. The effect was instantaneous. He crumpled his face had frozen in the same position, a look of smug pleasure. Hermione went straight to the ministry and reported him dead and explained the horrid tale to the minister. He looked disgruntled as if he was contemplating firing her but soon was persuaded otherwise. She could never find the right sort of guy for her. Now she was too broken to begin fixing. She had tried to date a muggle and now the muggle population has gone down by one. She despised men like him, who preyed on the weak, though Hermione certainly was not weak, she looked it.

Her mind thought longingly of Hogwarts, and the fun the trio had had.

A/N thank you so much for reading.

Hope you all have/had an incredible day!

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