Chapter Twelve

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Draco woke up to a sniffle and saw his arm around Hermione, He jumped back and tried to remember yesterday. He shouldn't have held her. What was he doing? He had made his promise, he had to stay away. He had no right! Hermione would be livid. He opened an eye and saw a bemused looking Hermione. He suddenly realized how ridiculous he looked, in the middle of a room, his eyes closed. She hugged him, out of no where, and he felt his fist, which he didn't know were clenched, uncurl and slowly wrap around her, awkwardly. Her heat washed over him, and he took her hand, drawing away from the embrace. 

He squinted in the yellow light and quickly did a spell to make them a little less vibrant. The order! He had to get back!

He spoke swiftly, and efficiently. 

'Let's go. I need to be at the order in-' He looked at his expensive watch '- 10 minutes.' 

She stared at him in disbelief. 

'I thought... I thought we were going to stay a while longer.' 

'You thought wrong.' He sounded curt, and bitter. He glared at her, suddenly resuming his role of the hard ass boss of her boyfriend. He let out a little growl at the thought.

'I see.' Though, Hermione looked sad, she understood. She didn't matter to him. At all. The only person ever to really care were Harry, any Weasley and her parents. Perhaps, McGonnagal still wondered about her best student. Perhaps not. With a flick of her wand, everything was prepared. Draco couldn't help being impressed.

'You like riddles, right? I don't mean Tom Riddle this time though.' Draco glared and narrowed his eyes at her. 'Well, riddle me this. If one boy has loved her for his live and made a mistake, and the other does not love her and has made plenty of mistakes, who should the girl love back?'

Draco thought a minute, and then answered. 

'She can't choose who she loves. Love does not exist within logic.' He wouldn't meet her eye, and he almost sounded sad.

'Quoting Albus Dumbledore, are we? Well, apply logic to love. If you were the girl, who would you pick?'

'The one who has loved her all along.' He answered in a heart beat, sounding bored. 'Can we leave please?' 

Wordlessly, she apparated away. He stared after her, in his crisp white shirt and jeans and tugged on his rather dashing uniform jacket on.

'Does not love her? Oh Granger, for the brightest witch of our generation, how have you not figured it out yet? If only you knew. If only.' He murmured and then assembled himself. He checked he had everything and apparated away to a hill. It was muddy and soggy, and the mud squelched beneath his feet. His pristine and polished shoes were caked from walking a few steps, and he shuddered at the thought of hiking here. He grabbed onto the large sunflower and waited a couple of seconds before he was catapulted through the window and sat in his memory foam black seat, and grimaced at the thought of her walking a mile to the order. He hardly mentioned it to any one.

Ah well. 

Hermione ran that mile faster than she had ever before, in her entire life. Ron. They needed each other, and Ron only wanted her to come with him to a quidditch game. It had just been blown up. She needed the safety of him. She ran round the corner, and straight into a messy haired, Leather jacket wearing... Ron? He kissed her, and Hermione was too shocked to move. He stopped suddenly, realizing his place. He got on his knees. 

'Hermione, I need you in my life. I can't do anything without you and I am so so so sorry, please forgive me. I just mess everything up!' At this, Ron started crying, a tear rolling down his cheek as he pleaded. He stepped up one knee, and summoned two things. He pulled out a beautiful bouquet of red roses, and another black box. Inside was a ring. Sparkling and twinkling, it was easily the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. 

'Hermione Jean Granger, I've loved you since day one. I've made mistakes, but I truly love you. Would you make me the happiest and luckiest man alive and marry me?'

A/N oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, drama alert! What did my lovely readers think? 

I hope you have/had a spectacular day!

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