Chapter 4

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I woke up because of the sun shines on my eyelids, I got out my bed and took a shower got dress, went downstairs to see that no one was home

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I woke up because of the sun shines on my eyelids, I got out my bed and took a shower got dress, went downstairs to see that no one was home. "What's my name, what's my name?" I sang, walking to the kitchen, seeing Mojo sitting on the counter next to the kitchen with the window above it open.

"Morning, Mo," I said walking past him towards the fridge, Mojo starts barking out the window, and I sigh as I grabbed the milk and some fruits to make some smoothies. "Mojo, please stop barking it's too early for that, okay?" I placed the fruits on the counter when I glanced out the window to see the car parking outside.

I gasped dropping the milk on the floor. "Oh shit creepy satan's Camaro," I muttered, I quickly head to the front door and grabbed my bike as the car started following me. "Oh god," I said trying to get away from it.

Why me?

Of all people why me?

When I got to the parking lot of abandoned cars, I quickly hide behind them. I looked up to see the car not here anymore; I sigh in relief, then I heard the sirens and looked over to see a police car driving slowly over. "Oh god cops," I head towards the car and stop in front of it looking at the cop inside, "Thank god you're here! I've been... followed here on my bike and the car right there have been following me here so please get out the car!" when I said that I saw the cop went static showing a robot skeleton and went back to normal.

"Oh, god," when I saw that I quickly ditched my bike and ran away from it, I looked behind to see the car transformed to a robot and came after me, "No, no, no!"I said throw in the air and landed on the car, "No, it's a bad dream," I whispered.

I'd scream when it slammed its hands on the side of the car I was on and hold it tightly. "Are you Briana Witwicky?" It demanded. "Yes," I said. "Where are the glasses?" It asked, "I don't have it!"

I screamed again and pushed myself off the car as it slammed the car, turning it upside down and ran after me. When I got to the entry of the parking lot I got tripped on my own feet as I turned around to see it getting closer to me. I heard a screech from the tires looked behind to see my car came in making a turn it almost hit me but I dodge it, and it trips the robot turning back to me and open the passenger door externally hesitation I climbed in as it drove away.

I look to see the robot changed back into a police car and driving after us, "Oh shit." I muttered and looked forward, "Go, go, go!" the car went beside the abandon building weaving left and right trying not to let it go beside us, my car changed direction drove straight to the warehouse windows. "Oh god!"

My car drove faster and crashed into the window shattering it to pieces, looking back seeing the police car still following us, my car zoomed through the warehouse smashing through things, "Jesus Christ!" I screamed the car did a turn and the police car did the same as the car speed out the warehouse.

It drove down the street and back up to the white warehouse when it came to a halt, the locks went down, locking me in. I didn't do anything it saves me from the robot I won't do anything stupid it's better to be inside this car than out making the robot find me and my car to rescue me again.

The police car came to view and slowly stop; I look down to see the car trying to start it did and the drives towards the space behind the police car when it went in reverse. The vehicle went behind it and came to an empty clearing, and I hopped out the car when the door opened.

My car transformed into a robot with bright blue eyes. I got up and backed away as the police car came to view and converted launching itself at the Camaro that sent them both tumbling down tossing the Camaro away.

I'd walked backward when the police car walked towards me as its hands changed into spikes, spinning circular. The police car opened its chest, and a smaller robot with sharp spines and spikes jumped out of it.

"Oh hell no!" I started to run away from it; it jumped on my back causing me to fall down the hill making us stop at a fence. I stood up quickly only to have the robot wrapping its body around me.

"Get off!" I demanded, and surprisingly it did and walked towards me, "Stop!" It did. My eyes widen in shocked it did what I say, walked back to the hill, I've turned around to walk up the hill but stop, I sigh know what I'm about to do.

I turned around facing the little robot who was looking at me, "Come on." The little robot follows right beside me as we walked up the hill to see the Camaro walking towards us and stood at the top of the hill and looked at me placing its hand on its hips.

"Can you talk?" I asked. "XM Satellite Radio...Digital cable brings you. Columbia Broadcasting System..." It said on the radio.

"You talked through the radio?" I asked. It clapped its hands, "Thank you, you're beautiful," it said through the radio pointing at me, "Your wonderful, your wonderful."

I looked down at the little robot, "Can you talk?" it nodded, I turned back at the Camaro, "So. what was that last night? what was that?" It looked up at the sky and point, "Message from Starfleet, captain... Throughout the inanimate vastness of space. Angels will rain down like visitors from heaven! Hallelujah!"

"Visitors from heaven, so, you're what? an alien?" It pointed at me tell me I was right, then gets on fours and transformed back to an old Camaro. I stared shocked as the passenger door opened, "Any more questions you want to ask?"

"Until I think of one no." I walked to the car, but first I let the little robot in first before I climbed in and closed the door and it drove us off.

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