Chapter 7

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My family and I dragged out of the house with handcuffs escorted to sleek black cars, and a man was holding a metal collar around Mojo

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My family and I dragged out of the house with handcuffs escorted to sleek black cars, and a man was holding a metal collar around Mojo. "If you hurt my daughter or my dog, I'll kick your ass!" Mom yelled.

"Briana, do not say anything," Dad told me. "Not until we get a lawyer!" He and mom pushed into separate cars, and I was forced into a vehicle as well.

I was sitting silently as the man sitting in the passenger seat look at the plastic bag with my phone in it, he pulled it out of the bag, "Briana Sophia Witwicky adopted by Judy and Ron Witwicky at the age of four."

"Yeah, so?"

"What do you make of this?" He hit the button on my phone, " Whoever finds this, my name is Briana Witwicky-" He stopped the recording, "Is that you?"

"Yeah," I said. "I heard your recording," Man started, "You said that your car is alive. Enlighten me."

"Look, this is a total misunderstanding, okay my car was stolen from me last night and the reason why I thought it was alive because when I was walking towards it the lights came on and I thought I didn't see a person there until it did a U-turn around I saw a person inside."

"Not by itself?" he asked, "Did you not hear the words that are coming out of my mouth!"

"What do you know about aliens?" he asked and I instantly shut up, "It's an urban legend, myth," I said. "You see this?" He asked, pulling out a shiny golden badge and flash it to me, "This is an I-can-do-whatever-I-want-and-get-away-with-it-badge. I'm gonna lock you up forever or put you back in the orphanage."

"You can't do that!" I snapped. "It is time to talk!" he said before we hit something making the windshield shatter and the car swerved to the side. "Big! It's big!" The driver yelled.

The two window in the passenger and driver side were smashed by a robots' hand latched onto the roof and was lifted up high making the two men peak outside the car panicking when they couldn't see who it is because of the light, "I can't see it! I can't see it!"

"Shift your weight towards the front!" The man ordered I look up to see the roof about to break I'd brace myself as it snapped making the car fall to the ground. We looked up to see the bright light have shut off showing us it was Optimus.

"You A-holes are in trouble now. Gentlemen," I smirk as they look at me, "I want to introduce you to my friend." I looked up at Optimus, "Optimus Prime."

"Taking the girl was a bad move," Optimus growled, I looked to see several men surrounding the car with guns pointing at Optimus. "Autobots, relieve them of their weapons." The Autobots jumped from the bridge, Ironhide pointed his cannons at the men, "Freeze!"

"Give me those!" Jazz said as he extended his hand to a magnet activated it making every single gun was sucked out of the men's hands to Jazz's magnet. The Autobots circled the men and the one in the car with me who tried to calm the situation, "Whoa! Whoa!"

Optimus got on his knees as the man on the passenger side waving his hand a little, "Hi there."

"You don't seem afraid. Are you surprised to see us?" Optimus questioned. "Look, there are seven protocols, okay?" The man said, "I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you."

"Get out of the car," Optimus ordered, "All right. Me? You want me to get..."

"Now!" Optimus ordered making all the men flinched. "All right, all right," The man said as we climbed out. Frenzy walked behind me taking the handcuffs off of me. "Thank you," I said before walking towards Optimus, "Optimus," he looked at me as I pulled out the glasses. "Here," I handed him the glasses placing it on his hand.

"Thank you, Briana." I smiled before walking up to the man, "Big guys, big guys with big guns, huh?"

"What is Sector Seven?" I asked him, but he just looked at me, "Answer me."

"I'm the one who asks questions around here. Not you, young lady," He said. "How'd you know about the aliens? Where did you take my parents?" clearly losing my patience with this guy, "I am not at liberty to discuss it," He said. "No?" I asked as I stepped towards him and searched for his badge. "Hey. You touch me, that's a federal offense," He said as I pulled out his badge with his ID.

"Federal offense can kiss my ass." I stepped away from him, "Do-whatever-you-want-and-get-away-with-it badge, right?" I repeated his word and read the ID to see his named Seymour Simmons, "Where is Sector Seven?" I asked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He asked. I lifted my right eyebrow and about to walk up to him but was stopped by Frenzy.

I glanced up at Bumblebee to see him flip his cap and a can pop out and hit Simmon's head, Simmon scratches his head where the can hit him as Bumblebee spray liquid on Simmon. "Hey!"

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man," Optimus said, and Bumblebee shut his cap, "Get that thing to stop, huh?" Simmon said. I secured the cuff the man that driving with the men that are sitting with hem to each other.

"Alright, tough guy, take it off," I told him as I step in front of him. "What are you talking about?" He asked, "Your clothes, all of it, off," I said. "For what?"

"For taking my parents, threaten me, and calling Bumblebee a thing." His eyes widen, before he glared at me, "Now!" I ordered making the men, Simmon and the Autobots flinch. "Little lady this is the beginning of the end of your life." He said as he stripped down to his silk pink and white boxers and Superman shirt.

"Those are nice," I said with a sarcastic smile, "Now, get behind the pole," I told him as he did. I cuff him to the pole. "This is such a felony, what you're doing," The driver said, and I secured him to Simmons. "I will hunt you down, okay?" Simmon threatened. "He'll hunt you down," Driver man repeated. "Without any remorse," Simmons said. "No remorse," The man repeated. "Do it look like I care?" I question them before walking away.

Suddenly there was a sound of helicopter look to see several helicopters and a few sleek black cars. "Just great."

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