Chapter 13

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I open my eyes and gasped for air looked down at the boy to see he's fine, but crying looking to see his mother dead on the ground, "It's going to be alright, I'll take care of you." I cooed at the boy. "Anybody hurt? Everyone okay?" I heard Will asked while I hold the boy tightly. "Briana," turned to see Will running towards us.

"You, okay?" he asked before he looks at the boy. "Where is his..." he trailed off, "His mother is dead." he looks up at me, "His father?"

"I don't know." A static groan came from behind us to see Bumblebee crawled out from under the truck, "Oh my god," I said as we ran towards Bumblebee. "Bumblebee, no. Your legs!" I cried, "Your legs." I backed away to let him move, "Ratchet!" I called out, Will ran over to Epps. "What the hell was that?"

"What are you talking about?" Epps asked, "What do you mean? 'What are you talking about?' They shot at us!" Will yelled, "F-22 pilots would never fly below buildings," Robert informed, "That's alien. That ain't friendly!" Epps said, "You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay." I assured him, "Army Black Hawk inbound to your location. Over" Pilot said through the radio. "Alpha 273 degrees, 10 miles November victor, 1.2 clicks north." there was an explosion close to us making all of us look to see a military tank firing at us.

"Move out! Let's go!" Will order the men as I look down at the boy, "Can you walk?" I asked him, he nodded I put him down and held his hand. "Don't let go, Okay?" look around to see a tow truck we quickly ran across the street holding his hand tightly trying to open the door but it was locked. The boy tugged my jacket look down to see him, pointing at the brick that was on the ground.

"Good idea, stay behind me." I smash the window and unlock the door, open it seeing there are no keys, I pulled out the cable. "Strongshot." he came out and sent a spark through the wires turning the truck on "Thanks," I pick up the boy and sit him on the passenger seat and buckled him up and drove it to bumblebee. "I'm not gonna leave you." Bumblebee took the cube out and place it on my hand, looking up at him and back to the cube. "Barricade help me with this!" I shouted, looking up to see Megatron is holding Jazz upside down, "Bumblebee, Barricade combines your cannon." They both look at me, "Now! I shouted they activate their cannons, "Point it at Megatron on my mark," both of them point it at Megatron and powering up, "Now!" they shot Megatron making him drop Jazz and fall.

"Jazz, you okay?" Seeing him getting up, "Yep, thanks." Barricade helps Bumblebee sit on the back of the truck, "Briana " I turned to see Will running towards me, "Where's the cube?" point at the cube that was next to bumblebee, "Right there." I turned back and secure him from the back. "Epps, get those Black Hawk here!" Will order. "Briana," turned to him as he put his gun on the truck, "All right, I can't leave my guys back there, " he said as he pulled out a flare, "So here, take this flare." placing it on my hand, "There's a tall, white building with statues on top. Go to the roof. Set the flare, signal the chopper." look between him and the flare, "After you signal the chopper I want you and the kid to get in the chopper they will take you to the base."I quickly look at him, "What? No!"

"Briana, you have to.." he was about to say, "I don't want to lose you again!" I cried out. "If you die I don't know what to do. I've been in love you since the day we met when I heard the news about you didn't survive I was in pain, crying my eyes out until there are no tears left. I love you, I love you so much." he grabbed my shoulder and press his lip against mine. He pulled away, "We don't have a choice. I need you and him to go with them while we hold him off, or a lot of people are gonna die."

"If I'm doing this somebody has to get Bumblebee out of here." He nodded, "Army Black Hawk requested. Immediate Evac for civilian girl and child with precious cargo to take to the base. Headed to rooftop marked be a flare." Epps said through the radio. "Briana, we will protect you and the boy."

"Okay." I said, nodding ran to the passenger seat open it and unbuckled his seat belt and picked him up making him wrap his arms around my neck tightly, "Hold on tight, okay." he nodded as I grabbed the cube and ran as Ironhide and Ratchet follows.

"Cover fire!" Ratchet yelled as I glance behind me to see Ratchet shoot at the tank and turned back, "Watch out!" Ironhide warned not knowing that the Decepticon was behind him, Ironhide picked up the car about to throw it but was shot from behind making him fall and drop the car the Decepticon transformed into a helicopter and flew. I made a turn when I turn I stopped and duck as another Decepticon land in front of me causing the cars to fly back.

I look up to see Starscream and hid behind the car as Ironhide and Ratchet fire at him, I hid the kid so he doesn't see the fight looking just in time to see Starscream transform back to an F-22 then look to the side to see Ironhide and Ratchet down and damage, "Brianna get to the building!" I nod before running. "Give me that cube girl!" looking behind to see Megatron chasing us.

When I hear the tire squeak I dodge it fall on my back, getting up and ran into the building look to see Megatron close to the building I'm in, "You're not gonna get us." I panted, "You're not gonna get us!" I repeated running up the stairs hearing a crash. "I smell you...girl!" I heard Megatron growl in the distance, jumping out the way as Megatron come through the floor, "Maggot!" Megatron cursed looking down at him before climbing up the stairs.

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