Chapter 12

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We rushed toward the room where Barricade, Bumblebee, and Frenzy are in, I cried out in pain and stumbled but caught by Will who looked worried. "Briana, what's wrong?" He asked, "I can feel them."

"No! Stop!" I yelled."No, no, stop, stop!" Tom said everyone turned to us as Bumblebee scream, finally they stop torturing them. I stood up straight with Will still holding me, "Are you okay?" I asked them. They nodded before Bumblebee flips his helmet on, and he, Barricade, and Frenzy point their guns at everyone behind Will and me.

"Listen to me. The Cube is here, and the Decepticons are coming." I said to them. They got up still pointing their guns at them. "No, no, don't worry about them. They're okay, right? They're not gonna hurt y'all." I assured them, "Just back up a little bit, they're friendly they fine." They obeyed took a step back.

"Okay, come on put the guns down. They're not gonna hurt y'all."They put the gun away, "Here, come with me. I'm gonna take you to the All Spark." We all ran back where the All Spark is Barricade and Frenzy stay back as Bumblebee step forward, placing his hand on the edge of the cube, "Okay, here we go. He doing something, he doing something." Epps said standing behind me. All of us watch amazed as Bumblebee transformed it small, "Message from star fleet captain... Let's get to it." he said through the radio. "He's right, "Will agreed, "We stay here, we're screwed with Megatron in the other hangar. Mission city is 22 miles away. We're gonna sneak that cube out of here and we're gonna hide it somewhere in the city."

"Good! Right." Keller agreed."But we cannot make a stand without the air force." Will said, Keller turned to Simmons, " This place must have some kind of radio link!" he asked, "Yes," Simmons answered. "Shortwave, CB." Keller listed, "Right, yes."

"Sir, you got to figure out some way to get the word out to them. Let's move!" Will order, I turned to Frenzy, "Frenzy, I want you to stay here and help them try to find a way to get the word out." he nodded before run to Simmons and the others. Bumblebee and Barricade transform to their Alt form. Will grab my hands and led me to Bumblebee, "Briana, get it in the car," he said I got in as Will ordered, "Mr. Secretary! Get our birds in the air, When we get to the city we're gonna find a radio and I'll have Epps vector them in, okay?" I put the cube in the back seat as Strongshot came up to my shoulder, he was holding on to my necklace.

"Bumblebee, this is Strongshot," I said before putting the seatbelt on the cube and sit back in the passenger seat. "Hey," he said through the radio, looking forward to seeing the Autobots driving towards us and then made a U-turn and drove behind us as we're on the bridge to Mission City. I heard sirens turned to see Barricade having the sirens meaning he's trying to warn us, until a military truck that was following us transforms to find out it was a Decepticon.

Optimus transformed as the military truck went through a transport bus, "Oh my god," I breathed as the military truck tackled Optimus and they both fell off the bridge. We arrived in Mission City in the middle of the road; I climbed out with all the other soldiers. "Air force has arrived! Pop smoke!" Will order. "Raptor, Raptor, do you copy?" Epps asked through the radio."We have you visual."We saw F-22 Raptor fly above our heads, "Green smoke is the mark, provide air cover and vector Black Hawks for extraction." Ironhide transformed and look at us, "It's Starscream!" he informed.

"Please, tell me you copy," Epps said as Bumblebee transformed as well, "Back up! Take cover!" Ironhide ordered as people around us screamed and ran away, "Bumblebee!" He and Bumblebee grabbed a delivery truck pulling it up. "No, no, no, no, no! Move!" Will yelled. "Back up, back up!" Ironhide ordered."Erik!" a woman yelled, turned to see a baby boy walking to get a ball, gasped and ran towards the boy, "Retreat! Fall back!" Will yelled. "Incoming!" I picked the boy up.

I look up to see the missile was launched, "Briana!" Will yell as it exploded and it all went black.


Sorry that I update later, but it will be a slow update since school been started now I'm in 11th grade I have to pass all my classes thanks for reading being patience and again sorry.

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