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Why do people use "kill yourself"
as an insult?

Früher habe ich nie verstanden, warum es Menschen gibt, die sich das Leben nehmen wollen. Heute bin ich selbst einer von diesen Menschen.

She's that type of girl who would hold you while  you cry and stand up all night just to make sure that you're okay even if she's the one breaking sometimes.
(100% me... )

Ich lächel weil ich stark bin,
nicht weil ich glücklich bin.

I wonder what it's like:
• to wake up and love yourself
• to look in the mirror and not want  v to cry
• to weigh yourself, see the number,        and not want to puke
• to be with friends end not feel ugly
• to go into public and not be insecure

I just wonder;
what it's like to love your life.

~you deserve to live♡~

depri SprücheWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt