Chapter Sixteen

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Melody slammed the door in my face.

It swung shut with a resounding bang that sent me to my knees, and I could do nothing but stare at my trembling hands. Drops of water fell from my cheeks, splashing on the paved porch beneath me with the finality of a resigned fate. I couldn't tell if it was rain dripping from my eyelashes, or tears that fell instead; maybe it was both. Everything was a numb, floating gray, and the fury of the storm didn't faze me at all now; I wasn't even cold anymore. Only one thought slinked through my shambled mind.


God's not real?

I wanted to laugh at that.

Of course God's real.

I mean-

He still had to save me.

He had to-

He was gonna-

I mean-

I had to live.

I don't wanna die.

I don't-

Oh God, I don't-

I don't wanna die.

Something broke inside of me right then and there, and I cried.

As in, horrible, gut wrenching crying.

Choking sobs tumbled out of me from a place of no return, dragging me into its depths faster than I could cry out. I collapsed onto the cold, hard ground, and curled into fetal position. And there I lay, trembling all the while. No, not trembling, dying. I wanted to cry harder, wail louder, but the only sound that spluttered from my mouth was a choking whimper. My heart weighed so heavy, and my chest felt like it was caving in, sinking into the depths of a dark, dark place.

I felt so fucking empty.

But at the same time, there was more sheer grief than I've ever felt before.

The entire world was miserable- devoid of any color and any life.

All the clues, all the inevitable tell-tale signs that pointed to a single dreadful sense of finality hit me all at once as a single thought floated lifelessly to the forefront of my mind.

I'm gonna die.


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