Sister? Hubby? What does Freddie Think?

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George's POV-

As the days passed, and Christmas grew near, I continued to help Meredy get stronger. Neville came by almost every day to check on her as well. She got increasingly better, and my fear of her leaving grew as well. I liked her. I liked her a lot. She told me about the adventures she's had, all the places shes traveled, and what she wants for her future. 

"I'm not sure what I want, Red. I think I want to be a writer. Or an artist." She said one cold afternoon. We sat in a local pub sipping a bit of Firewhiskey.

"You'd be a great writer with all the stories you have,"  I said. She smiled at me as her hair turned a soft pink.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

Just then the door opened, sending shivering cold snow in with the wind. 

"Oh wow, it's pretty cold out now." Meredy said with a laugh.

I smiled. "Think it's time to go home then?" Meredy nodded so I paid the waiter and took Meredy by the hand. We walked out into the cold night air and started our long journey home. Meredy still wasn't strong enough to Apparate or Floo, so we had to walk everywhere for the most part, except for the Muggle bus.

"Aye look, Reddie. I can make my hair look like yours!" Meredy called out as we walked down the road. I looked up to see her bright orange hair. "Oi! I can add freckles too." She added. I roared with laughter at the splitting resemblance she could have to my family.

"That's brilliant!" I cried. Then the fun ended and we were on the bloody bus.

"I don't care for these buses. They smell like feet. And Muggle." Meredy said cringing her nose.

"I have to agree, no matter how bad that sounds." I said with a brief sigh. A strange man then approached Meredy as he grabbed onto a pole in the center of the bus. 

"Hey cutie, is this your brother?" Brother? We look nothing alike- My thought was cut off as I looked at her to see she still had the hair and freckles. Crap. I was about to respond when Meredy asnwered first.

"No sir, this is my husband." She said taking my hand. The man looked me up and down.

"My bad, dawg." He said as he started moving to another pole. Dawg? Was he insulting me now? I kept my mouth shut. Bloody weird Muggle. At last, we reached our stop. Though we still had to walk about a mile to the house.

"So. Husband aye?" I said with a smirk. Meredy rolled her eyes as she shook the blonde back into her hair. Her freckles disappeared as she grinned, too.

"That man was such a creep!" She said heartily. "Sorry, Red."  

"Don't be," I shrugged. "I wouldve done it if there were a creepy girl." At last we got to the Burrow. I sat on the couch and she headed off. I saw her grab for her side where she was cut, but she quickly recovered to hide it. "Are you okay?" I asked immediatly. She nodded fast and took a deep breath.

"I have to pee, I'll be right back." She turned to me and smiled. "I don't need help all the time."

I laughed and laid back, right as Harry walked in.

"Hey, George," he said.

"Ello ello," I greeted with a big smile. He held little James in his arms, wide awake and giggling viciously. "He's going to be like the Marauder's, you know. Like Remus, Sirius, and your dad."

"Oh Merlin, I know," Harry sighed as he sat next to me.

"Georgie!" James called. I smiled and held out my hands for him as he crawled onto my lap.

"So what can I do ya for, Potter?" I questioned.

"Oh, right. Can you watch James today? Ginny and I are going Christmas shopping. I would ask Molly, but shes preparing for Christmas. And to be honest Ron is stressed out enough with Hermione." Harry laughed a bit as he looked at me.

"Yeah, of course." I said with a shrug. "I love the little bugger."

"Thanks, George. So where is Meredy?"

"The lou. I offered to help her, since she's still hurting, but she insisted she could go on her own. Merlin only knows why she wouldn't want me in there." I said this joke seriously for the full effect, seeing as Harry really needed a good laugh. Sure enough, it worked. As usual.

Harry smiled and stood up as Ginny walked in. "Later, mate. Thanks again."

"No problem. See yoou guys later. Bye sissy!" Ginny looked at me with a smile and rolled her eyes.

"Take care of my son, George. I'm serious!" And with that they Apparated out. A few moments later Meredy came in clutching her side and laid down on the couch. I looked at her.

"I'm tired," she sighed.

I nodded in agreement. I wish I could actually fix her. Not just make her laugh. James crawled away from me and curled up next to Meredy.

"Mery, make faces!" He squealed. She pulled him on her lap and smiled. I took a sip of pumpkin juice as I watched.

"Teddy's mum taught me this one," she said as her mouth turned into the bill of a duck. I laughed so hard i had juice spewing out of my nose. James laughed even harder at me than usual. Then Meredy shifted the bill into a squealing pig snout, and he started snorting.

"I'm a piggy too! Just like Mery!" 

"Not quite, James. But I can look like you," Meredy's hair turned brown and she grew light freckles across her nose. James' face lit up.

"You look amashing!"

She laughed and shook her hair and face back to how they were. James let out a yawn and looked at me. "Georgie, I'm sleepy." I looked at my watch.

"Oh, it's time for bed anyway. It's already eight o'clock, mate." I walked over and picked him up, then helped Meredy up as well. "If you want to wait, I can come back to help you after I put him down."

"No, it's okay. I wanna help you put him to bed. I think I'll go up and lay down too." I took her hand to keep her balanced as we trekked up the stairs. After laying James down, he fell asleep quickly. Meredy leaned on my shoulder so I took her to bed too. She fell asleep immediatly. "Goodnight," I whispered.

George's Dream-

'Aye, Georgie. Wake up already. George get the bloody hell up!" George blinked into focus. 'Ah, Freddie. What  are you doing here?' 'C'mon gorgeous, get up.' George stood up and looked around. It was only him and Fred. In the.. joke shop? 'Yeah it's the joke shop George. I think you'd recognize it, eh?' Fred didn't look a day older then seventeen. George looked around and saw his reflection. His laugh lines had deepened on his face, though he still looked validly young. His hair was almost as long as Ron's, and had that shabby look that wasn't too bad. 'I'm what you used to look like, and you're what I would've looked like.' Fred said as he sat on the stair steps. George sat next to him and sighed. 'I really miss you Fred.' Fred smiled. 'You live for both of us now, George.' George hugged his big brother. When he opened his eyes, he was gone. Meredy in his place. 'Meredy?' She looked up at him. Her blue and green eyes sparkling. 'George.' George pulled her in and hugged her. Over her shoulder, he saw the mirror. He smiled as Fred gave him a wink before leaving again.

George awoke on the bed, cradling Meredy. The dark had set, and his watch read eleven o'clock. He smiled. A gentle smile, that only he would ever know about. No one else would see it but he would remember it. 'Maybe she's the one.'

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