he is jealous

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i realized i should put some "warnings" on this story there are children present.
this chapter in peculiar has spousal and emotional abuse, possessive behavior and a rape attempt.
god writing this is making me aware how sad this is, anyway shout out to that one dude who asked for me to continue, thank u for punching my writers block in the dick ily

as a wise, and horribly deranged women once said.
"if crazy, is being devoted to something you love, then im as crazy a slimy snail in a tin can."


a new party swung into the doors of the hotel cortez, as they always do, this time another mid july party was in bloom, more men bringing their burlesque dancers and party girls to dance on the bar tables half naked with exposed rouge knees and silk gloves with sculpted or bouncy curls.
you, suffered still with the after shock of your "friends" wedding a couple days back, had fallen back into your old habits of getting piss drunk with men who will be rich until they die, and feeling the party vibrate the whole hotel.
it called out your name, it offered a glass of gin and not a minute later you were downstairs.
soon your arms loosely thrown around a mans neck as you laughed into the strangers shoulders at something that probably wasn't that funny, or in any way intresting.
you still perched on their lap, you toasted a glass with the stranger who you didn't know, but were ready to fuck just because of his familiar brown eyes and pocket full of hundred dollar bills.
you felt tipsy already, your cheeks and lips numb as the man under you started to feel like silk.
suddenly a uneasy chill crawled down your spine, you anxiously looked over the mans head around the bar's vicinity.
sitting hunched and twirling a glass of god knows what sat James March, an annoyed look swimming in his eyes, and if looks could kill...
you smirked, feeling victorious that he had shown any hint of jealousy for you.
after that bullshit youve been through, the wedding still boiling your blood, it served him right.
you winked towards the angry man, whose jaw seemed to clench when he noticed you, noticing him.
in the later hours of the night, when you were spent and wiggling towards your hotel room.
the hallway twisting and turning making you feel ill.
"hello YN." you turned to look behind you, coming face to face with james, looking like an oil painting in the hall. "James.." you aknowledged as you dug for your keys in your black beaded clutch.
"what do you want?" you sighed.
"i came to inform you that you will not be seeing that man again."
you turned to him suddenly.
"tch, who asked you?? you dont own me james.." you almost hissed.
you didn't have to be facing him to know that ticked him off.
you wrist yanked and you were turned to face him, you back against your room door.
"now you listen to me doll, without me you are nothing." he retorted.
" I'm trying to help you, harlotry is a sin punishable by death my dear"
you almost gasped. (he call u a hoe)
"dont pull that god complex shit on me james, go tell it to your wife!" you barked back at him, turning to your door, opening and trying to slam it in his face.
but he pushed his way through and you were caught by the throat, you tried to pry his dull nails from your skin.
"your not going to see that man again, nor any other man for that matter, i do own you dearie.
you and i both know it, without me your just another lost party girl in California." your eyes were ready to pop from your skull.
"and dont think im doing this for "love", i will not get sent to prison because your pretty little drunk mouth loves to gossip around about how much fun we have together, in my hotel."
his grip never faltered, only slowly tightening until you saw stars.
it was experienced in this field.
"and you will NEVER speak of my wife again, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" he bellowed in your face.
your eyes watered and you tried your best to nod, a dry hush "yes sir" managed to crawl out of your crushed throat.
he let go of you and your knees buckled under you leading you to fall to the floor, you coughed and heaved for a while, cursing and crying at James to get out.
he stood over you.
"now doll, it would be a shame for nobody to ever see you again wouldn't it." he has concluded.
his footsteps were heard leaving and your door slammed open and shut, you continued to cry on the carpet.

dark big poppa cringe AHS preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now