you are jealous

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no no never ever, uh uh uh, that would be weird cuz every other female in the house wish he would just go to hell already.
so you got him all to your miserable self, lucky you huh?

those girls, what made them any diffrent than you, oh yes, they were extraordinary, you wished you had another, another head, another soul and mind to keep dandy as entertained as they.
but alas you nothing but a boring boring plain, one headed crybaby.
now here you were.
sitting in the garden dining on the finest foods and wines like any other high class family, and you sat farther from dandy than you ever had, as he chirped happily to the girls about who knows, he has been showering them in gifts since they first arrived, today was not diffrent as you saw him pull out pink boxes wrapped in green ribbon, taking jewelery and dresses.
"yellow is such a beautiful colour on your girls, isnt it yn?" dandy complimented them, waiting for you to speak, you just nodded as you were not here emotionally.
but somehwere far away, gutting and mounting the duplicated cuties like a bizarre taxidermy art piece.
"use your words dear, dont the girls look pretty in yellow." he said more seriously.
you snapped from the dark place of your mind and stared at the girls bored.
"adorable, its like dressing a mangled dog, if it were two headed. when is the taxidermy scheduled dandy? i know a perfect spot above the fireplace that would look beautiful with you both hanging over it" you snarled at the girls who looked down at their food uncomfortably.
"that was very rude YN, apologize immediately.." dandy sighed.
your smile dropped and was replaced with a glare, "no" you whispered.
"what?" dandy gritted at the sound of the most foreign word to ever leave your lips.
"i said nO! WHY ARE THEY EVEN HERE DANDY!? IM YOUR BETROTHED NOT THESE FREAKS" you exploded as you stood up, dandy slammed his fist down on the table, causing all the cutlery and food to jerk, both you and the girls flinched.
"ENOUGH! yn, if you have nothing nice to say, you should just leave and come back when you're ready to apologize" he said suddenly calm.
you glared at both girls before dusting the food from your cocktail dress and calmly turned to the house.
once you knew you were out of their sight you started bolting quickly into the house, angry tears ringing down your cheeks.
you slammed the door open with an angry banshee screech, screaming hysterically as you started throwing anything in your path, knocking everything off of the side tables and throwing expensive vases at walls, you ripped up expensive throws and pillows, throwing stuffed animals and the girls gifts into their firplace.
you grabbed a croquet mallet and bashed in mirrors and angrily beat the statues around the house and dandys playroom, over all having the hardest tantrum in your life, all whilst you screamed and cried like a baby.
finally calm, (but not done crying) you stood at the center of the trashed room.
"darling are you alright? what happened in here?" came the meek voice of gloria, you turned, your makeup smudged, your lipstick spread across your cheeks and eyes were extremely red and puffy.
you glared and screamed
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" and ran past her out the door.


miss Elisabeth really was a creature made by the gods, not one person, male, female, train wreck or supermodel could escape her beauty and her strange sexual spells.
you respected that.
but until your little serial murderer was affected, throwing all his will, money, jewels, and time to her feet. hell, you didn't even know of the engagement until the night before when James spoke the most beautiful poetic words of woe you have ever heard of his new fiance to you. after another hot round of kill and fuck.
and not even 45 hours later here you were, standing at the top of the bars balcony staring down at the shotgun wedding, watching your dream ripped from your fingertips
dressed for the funeral, all emotions covered by a thick black lace veil but underneath you were sobbing.
you wanted to spit on the couple, scream and light them on fire.
but you stayed quiet, and watched.
you had always dreamed you would have this day of your own, to marry a handsome and rich man (oo or lady) and have beautiful children and live happily forever in the privilaged suburb of warm California.
but alas Hollywood never failed to make life a slop pail of drugs, sex, mob life and the ultra violence.
even in its infancy.
you thought you had found that vision in James, but he was no different than any of the other men that slithered up your pantyhose with a pretty lie disguised as a promise, could he not see how much you complimented eachother so well? didn't you deserve love?
and diamonds?
you shouldve ran then, far far away from the cortez and all its inhabitants. but the hotel wouldn't let you, its aura spoke to you, it never told you lies, it kept you safe, it told you to stay in the golden railings and red carpets. it was home.
you envied everything she had, but most especially him.
now standing in your room you stared at yourself in the mirror. not at your reflection but beyond mirror. in daze, not paying attention to anything but the deafening fuzz of silence in the hotel, which had never happened to you before, but you heard the parties, the girls laughing, the deep voices of men and music.
the smell of cigars blowing rings in your face.

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