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We spent hours taking pictures with fans and signing things. Not many girls wanted pictures with us but I already knew it'd happen. On the way back I rode with Matt and fell asleep in the car. I woke up and was in my hotel room. I smiled and sat up. Mahogany was awake on her phone and Jasmine was still sleeping.

"Mahogany can I borrow your car?" I asked getting out of my bed.

"Are you going to get breakfast?" She asked looking up at me.

"I was planning to." I laughed slipping on my tan sandals.

"Thank god." She sighed tossing me the keys.

I rode the elevator down to the lobby and got into Mahogany's car. I drove to McDonalds and bought a bunch of Pancakes and Sausage Biscuits and a smoothie for me. I texted Matt and told him to tell everyone I'm bringing breakfast. I arrived back at the hotel and carried everything back up to my room. As soon as I opened the door, everyone screamed. All the boys were in there and Jasmine was still trying to sleep.

"Can't you see I'm trying to sleep!?" She screamed.

"But we're hungry." Cameron complained.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and put a pillow over her head. I sat the food down on my bed as everyone ran to it and took what they wanted. I waited until they were done to grab something for me to eat. I grabbed a thing of pancakes and sat by Matt. There was a knock on the hotel door and I looked over at Jasmine.

"Deborah's here!" Carter smiled getting up and walking to the door.

"Who is Deborah?" Matt asked.

"My girfriend." He smiled opening the hotel door.

"I'm going to get something to drink." I said standing up and quickly walking out of the room.

"Jenna you okay?" Someone asked from behind me.

"Yeah I'm good." I said turning around to see Matt.

"Can I come with you?" He asked catching up to me.

"Sure." I shrugged getting into the elevator with Matt.

"Jenna, what's wrong?" He asked again.

"Nothings wrong Matt. Please stop asking me." I sighed blinking back tears.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He said looking down.

He followed me from the elevator to the closest McDonald's. "Why'd you come here?" He asked.

"I'm getting a milkshake. Do you want one?" I asked looking over at him.

"I'll get one for myself." He said.

I ordered a strawberry milkshake and Matt got a vanilla one. Once we were done, he went with me to Walmart. He started trying on dresses to make me laugh and it actually worked.

***A/N: sorry my story is like a little outdated but if you could comment feedback, that'd be great

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