Chapter 6

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“Luna, wake up,” I felt Lucy stroking my forehead slowly, “everything is going to be alright.”


I opened my eyes. I was not in a hospital. I was back in my room, my pink room.


“I dreamt about death,” I slowly told her, “You are not going to die here, you are save,” she smiled. She must be thinking how childish I was.


‘That is a horrible dream within a dream!’ I shivered. No matter how I believed it was a dream, when I was there I still thought it was not a dream anymore. ‘I was even afraid of that Koji,’ I giggled.


I went to classes as usual that day without bumping to Koji.


Koji POV


‘Lucy, she knew what is going on,’ I watched Luna as she continued to life carefree.


“Who are you exactly?” I stopped her in front of her house. Lucy smiled as if she had been anticipating this long ago. “Isn’t it inappropriate to talk in front of the house?” she hinted to go to somewhere else; she must not want Luna to hear the conversation.


 “How can you remember Luna but not me?” she sat at the swing while eating takoyaki. “Sorry, I didn’t quite remember what had happened. All I knew I was busy trying to save Levi. I even almost forget about Luna, our dear friends,” I lowered my face.


“Friends?” she laughed, “Is that all you could remember?” she then stopped laughing; she landed her feet to the ground to stop the swing from moving, “You killed her, don’t you remember?!!!” she suddenly shouted like a mad lady.


“What do you mean by that? I never would have!” I denied her cruel statement, “Why would I?”


“Then do you remember why did you want to save Levi at first place? Do you remember why all this started? Do you?” she cried for the reason that I didn’t know.


“The three of you were fighting that night, I didn’t know why but Luna moped and ran to the forest, where we all had our vacation. You followed her but when you came back, you wailed, “I killed her,” all over again! Don’t you remember that? Levi who knew I was developing a machine to travel between worlds insisted that he want to help. When we both developed it year later, he suddenly disappear, when then he found out that to keep Luna alive, he must died,” she paused her story.


“Why would you want to make Luna died when all Levi did was trying to save her from world to another other. I believe, Levi himself, don’t want to be saved. Let him die, Koji,” she begged.


Luna POV


 ‘Let him, die,’ the words echoed in my head. ‘Since when Lucy is that cold,’ I cried thinking how cruel those words were. I might never know Levi well but deep inside I don’t want anyone to die on my behalf.


“Lucy,” I slowly raised from where I was hiding, “why?”


“Luna!” they both exclaimed.


“To save Levi, I must die?” I asked, crying “Is there no other way?”


Koji eyes were then suddenly turned to beastly glare. “You must die!” he growled as if he was possessed. I fell on my back seeing the sudden change in him. He aggressively ran toward me while pulling out a small knife from his pocket.


“Luna!!!” Lucy screeched to save her.


In an instant, the time seemed to stop. The night sky shone fainting light, as if the stars let out extra light. “Please, stop it, Koji,” a creature appeared from the thin air and grabbed him from behind.


It was wearing a white robe. Its hands were covered in bandaged as if he had been fighting in thousand fights. Behind his back attached a scythe and a spear. ‘Grim reaper,’ I thought despite being shocked.


“Hi Luna!” he pulled down the scarf that hid his smiling face.


“Levi?” I mumbled.


[to be continued...]



Actually I ran out of idea what to write next, so my assistant writer (little sister, lol) demanded me to stop introducing twist but rather focus on how to solve this damn story. So next will be a chapter that will lead to ending. Will we ever find out what is really going on?


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