Chapter 1

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“Lucy! Thank you for the takoyaki,” I peeked through her pink bedroom. She was sitting on her bed watching a movie on her laptop. She smiled when our eyes met, “I will buy you some more tomorrow,” she replied and continued staring her much more amazing laptop.

She had always been like that since I remembered; from morning until afternoon she went to work and brought some food back home. At home she rather shut herself in her bedroom to avoid contact with our parents who always found her every little fault. “I think you need to tidy your room, a bit,” I looked at her piles of unwashed clothes, stacked together with boxes of DVDs and books. “I don’t need your opinion,” she let out a long sighed.

“Good night,” I silently closed her door and went to my bed. I closed my eyes thinking of nothing. After few minutes, I sat up right and looked around my room as if looking for something. My room though it was pink as hers, the stuff in here were more organised. I went to the cupboard where I stored my manga collections. One of the books was positioned upside down, ‘Can’t you guy put it back correctly,’ I talked to myself thinking it must be my brother, Luke who had been coming in and out of the room as if my room was a library.

I then went back to sleep, a peaceful sleep.

Not long, the morning’s sun shone to my face waking me up. “Levi! Wake up,” someone knocked the door room. ‘Levi?’ I questioned myself, ‘Who is Levi?’ I get up from my bed and went to the dining room.

“Come on! Get yourself a breakfast! Don’t be late for your first day at university,” a lady was diligently cooking and preparing the table. “Levi!” she shouted when she still saw me stunned near the dining table.

“Levi, move, move,” an old man about 50 years of aged slapped my butt. I was in another level of shock with the sexual harassment from the person who pretended to know me. “Who are you?” I moved my face closer to the old man who was now eating the fried chicken rice.

 “That won’t work, Levi. You are going to attend you class,” the lady dragged me away from the man who was now smirking evilly. “Now, go have shower.”

I walked slowly upstairs trying to think what in the world was happening. The house seemed to be smaller than mine; my room was not pink anymore but was now pitch black. The worst thing was, the game consoles were laying on the floor, and so was some mangas, a guitar, papers and more. Everything was buried under everything.

Who is this Levi? I pulled out a magazine from the pile and to my astonishment, I cried out silently, “Luke!!!” I stormed out of my room to find his room, ‘Why is he reading an adult magazine in my room! More importantly, whose is this?’ I frowned when I could not find his room. Of course there was none. Luke and Lucy were not a part of this world.

I sat near the wardrobe, feeling defeated by fate. ‘This must be a dream,’ I tried to convince myself. “Levi!!!” I heard the lady yelling from the kitchen. ‘Wake up, wake up,’ but I couldn’t. I sighed heavily and punched the wardrobe hard though it did not help me waking up.

‘I will go with the flow, for the moment,’ I said without thinking much. I kicked all the things that were blocking the way under the bed.  ‘Stupid, dirty Levi,’ I cursed the supposed-to-be myself.

I looked through the wardrobe and found lots of t-shirt instead of camisole or dresses. ‘Is this Levi a tomboy or what?’ I complained when I couldn’t find shirt that suited my taste. I scowled more when I went to Levi’s underwear.

‘Levi is not a tomboy,’ I stunned thinking the impossible might be possible. I ran to the washroom to find a mirror and indeed… indeed, I was a boy in this world. ‘This is the worst dream I ever had,’ I wailed looking at the skinny yet pretty boy in front of me.


Don't we all love cliffhanger! haha. This is my attempt writing sci-fi theme story with the help of my little sister :)

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