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sherwin's pov

february 10th

i woke up holding my pillow close to me. i did this every night. i'm not really sure why in fact. i think i'm just super lonely. i got hopped out of bed and fixed the covers, making sure they were straight and perfect. i picked up two pillows from the floor and arranged them neatly by the head of the bed. 

everyday i had a specific routine. it had to be followed task by task, or else i would get upset. i have ocd. 

i walked over to my dressed and pulled out my neatly folded school uniform. it was a long sleeved-navy blue sweater. i wore a white button up underneath it, and a yellow tie. i squatted down and grabbed my brown khaki pants, and some white tube socks. i stacked them all on top of each other and opened the door. 

i walked down the hall and took a left and slipped into my bathroom. i took a look in the mirror. my red, curly hair was a mess. i opened my medicine cabinet and pulled out a comb and combed my hair. 

i then took off my pajamas and got dressed, starting with my pants, followed by my under shirt, my sweater, my tie, and my socks. 


february 10th. it was four days until valentines day. i had no friends, which meant, no valentines. i really didn't care though. valentines day was just a made up holiday. that's what my mom said at least. 

"sherwin!" my mom called. "you're going to miss the bus!"

the bus! right! the bus! i had totally forgotten. i ran to the hall closet, pulling out my shoes, putting them on left before right. 

"bye mama!" i whispered and kissed her cheek, and ran out the door. 

i walked to the stop. i wasn't late of course. 

the bus rolled in, about five minutes later. the driver opened the door. walked on, counting the seats. 

"five, six, seven, eigh-"

a boy, about my height and age, was sitting down, reading a book. he had a dark tint to his skin and he had jet black hair. his face wasn't familiar, i think he was new. 

i stood there for a bit study his facial features. he looked up eventually. i blushed and looked away. "s-sorry i was just-"

"no it's fine" he smiled

"i-is anyone sitting there? i usually do but i mean, it's totally okay if you don't want me too-  i have ocd i'm-" i rambled. i was nervous. he was really cute.

"sit" he giggled and patted the seat next to him. he slid his bags down to the floor.

i stepped over his legs and sat down, placing my bag on my lap. 

he started to read his book again. it was called "a wrinkle in time"

i looked out the window. it started to snow. the glass fogged up and got cold.

i drew a short line with my finger and pulled it away and looked at my fingertip. i could see the moistness left behind.

"so" he closed his book. "i'm jonathan. what about you?"

"sherwin" i blushed. my name was kind of- weird

"cute name" he smiled. my blush was fully visible on my pale, freckled skin

"what grade?"

"eleventh" i looked into his eyes

"tenth" he said glumly.

"are you new?" i asked

he nodded. "moved here from los angeles"

"that's cool. what's it like?"

he spent a few minutes describing living in the city. his old high school, his step dad which he left, his huge library, his girlfriend

her name was jessica. she was tall and had long brown hair. she had perfectly straight teeth after getting her braces off. apparently, they won cutest couple at the school dance.

my face dropped as soon as i heard about her. he explained how she planned to visit him every weekend. he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of her kissing him on the cheek.

"oh" i said duly

he noticed that i was upset.

"something wrong?"

"no- i was just... thinking about something" i forced a fake smile

"oh okay!" i smiled back. he seemed like a very cheerful and delighted person


the rest of the bus ride was just small talk. we asked each other questions like, "what's your favourite class?" or "what's your worst fear?" and we got to know each other quite well

as soon as the bus stopped at our school, we got off. he approached the halls.

"well, i'll see you at lunch. save me seat!" he smiled as he ran off into his first class, the door closing behind him

"will do" i whispered. 

a/n: i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 

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