Part 6

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It’s a good thing I was never much of a fainter. I had actually never fainted in my life, ever.

I just stood there staring up at him, like some kind of weird psycho person.

Pictures of me, my brother (he was 7 then and older than us) and another 6 year old kid with chocolate smudged all across our faces, flashed in my head and I tried to push it back to that almost forgotten part of my memory. Where it belonged.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, an amused/confused look stuck on his smooth face.

I gave my head a little shake, as if trying to get rid of the haze that had come over me when I saw him.

 "You’re back..." The thought escaped my lips in a soft whisper before I could stop it.

His face changed from amused/confused to completely confused.

"Uh... What?" He returned.

His look of being utterly confused, zapped me from my thoughts of the three kids riding around in the toy jeeps we were way too big for.  I felt my anger rise once again at the fact that he didn't seem to remember.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said curtly.

His head jerked back "No need to be rude, especially since I just saved you from that weirdo back there." He said.

"I never asked for help." I crossed my arms stubbornly over my chest.

He snorted and shook his head "I guess the night I decide to try and be nice, is the night I’m nice to someone rude."

My frustration simmered for a moment at his words and I felt slightly guilty for being rude the first time to see him in so long. Even though he didn't seem to recognize me one smidge.

"Sorry. Bad night." I apologized and after a moment turned to leave.

"Wouldn't you at least like to know the name of the person who helped you, even though you didn't want it?" He called from a few feet behind me.

I spun around and faced him, "Andrew Miller."

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and then a cocky grin spread across his lips. "Ah. So you’re a fan, huh?"

"No." My head gave a single shake, “Not even close." I spun around and went back inside to find Mariah and tell her I was out of there.





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