Part 20

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I don't really know how I got here, and even if you asked, I couldn't explain it. All I knew was I had woken up, gotten dressed, and the next thing I knew, I was there. After telling Mariah over and over, at school, that I wasn't going to go, I did. I went through my classes in a daze. I don't remember anything the teachers had talked about, all I could wait for was school to be out.

I glanced at the picture of the house, again, to make sure this was the right place. I knew it was. I had just spent the last fifteen minutes assuring the guard I was a friend of Andrew's with important information and that he knew I was coming. Apparently Andrew didn't invite many people over so when someone did come by it was almost a guarantee to the guard that they actually were a friend. 

I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do, but before I could stop myself, I took a deep breath and walked the short distance to the front steps. As I made my way up the steps, I realized just how huge the house was. The porch ceiling loomed many feet above me, and succeeded in making me feel extremely tiny.

I held my breath as I rang the doorbell and waited for an answer.

An eternity seemed to go by. I stood there- waiting. I rang the doorbell again thinking maybe no one had heard it the first time. But after another eternity with no answer I lost my confidence. The realization of what I was doing finally caught up with me and I just about broke out in a sweat.

You know how in the movies the person is just about to leave, but the person they've been waiting for pops up? That's what happened to me. I was just turning to go back to my car, when I the door flung open and there was Andrew in his mid-afternoon glory. Though he looked like he'd just woken up, by the looks of wrinkled shirt, blurry eyes and bed hair.

He stood there for a while just looking at me like he had no idea what was going on. And for a moment I thought he'd forgotten all over again. But then his eyes cleared and he looked at me in utter confusion. "Melody?"

I felt my face go red hot as I stood there trying to come up with a good reason why I was here. "I-I... Uh..." I stammered."H-hi."

Andrew continued to look at me oddly. "Uh, no offense, but how do you know where I live?"

I let out a nervous laugh that sounded more like a nasally shrill. "My, uh, friend is like this big detective type- wait, not a detective, she just, uh, she just figured out where you were and, um... I just thought I'd stop by and say hi, so 'hi'." I gave an awkward wave. "Okay, I'm just gonna go now. This wasn't the best idea." I rambled and turned to go.

"You want to come in?" He asked from behind me.

I paused at the steps and turned back towards him. "No, that's okay. I don't really remember why I was here. Something stupid..." I babbled.

"Melody." Andrew grinned slowly. I shut my mouth.

He stepped aside and held the door open so I could go through. I was met with the sight of a huge foyer, a double stair case led up both sides of the room to a second floor, and a dazzling chandelier hung from the high ceiling. The tan marble tiles were a new level of glossy and I could see my reflection almost perfectly on them. "Wow... This is beautiful." I commented quietly as he led me through a large archway into huge kitchen. Andrew went behind the large black granite top counter. "Its a bit much for my taste, but my dad was here when I was looking for a place to stay. He chose it. "


He gave a shrug of his shoulders. He ruffled his hair up even more and let loose a gigantic yawn that showed me just how tired he was.

"Oh gosh!" I gasped. "I'm sorry! I didn't even think... I'm sorry if this is a bad time- you were sleeping..." I trailed off.

He waved it off. "Its fine. I had a late night yesterday, that's all. I would've woken up soon anyways." He turned around. I sagged onto the bar stool next to me. Andrew went to the stainless steel refrigerator and opened it. Even from where I was I could tell I was stocked up with all kinds of snacks and energy drinks. He looked at me over his should quickly. "Do you want something to drink? I've got pretty much everything in here. My own grocery store." He grinned obviously amused by it.

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