Chapter 2

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It was not Alice's first time on an adventure like this. She normally finds new clothes and a place to stay before the evening. This time, she found the best place possible to stay, but not new clothes. However, she had a brilliant idea. 

"Ms. Green, the dinner is ready. Mr. Agreste and Adrien are waiting for you." 

"Thank you Natalie. I'm coming down in a moment."

She went down to the dining room. She was suprised when she entered the room. She've been in many luxury places before,but that was different. The dining room remind her Princess Elizabeth's room when she was 6. Yes, She was there due to a mission. It was an ordinary mission for her. That's why she was suprised when she realized her reaction. It wasn't her first time in a huge room after all. She walked down to the table and sit in front of Adrien.

"Thank you Alice for joining us at dinner tonight."

"It's my pleasure Mr. Agreste. I would like to thank you again for letting me stay in your house." She smiled kindly. 

"Where else could you stay? I mean we're a family here. So; please call me either Gabriel or uncle. This is my son Adrien. Adrien, this is Alice. My sister's daughter."

"Nice to meet you Alice."

"My pleasure."

"I am so sorry you meet this late in your life but we weren't in touch with Susan for years. I didn't even know she had a daughter before this week."

It was pretty silent during the dinner. When Alice was done with my salad, she couldn't stay quite. She knew it was odd even for a family with this cold relations.


"Yes, Alice?"

"I was gonna ask if there is a place where I can buy some new clothes around? You know my luggage is lost."

"Sure. Adrien, why don't you take Alice to a mall after the dinner? You can get to know each other better, too."

"Sure dad."

"It's awesome!"

She got too excited and screamed. A little. She knew it was too much of a reaction so she closed her mouth with her hands. She thought her reaction was not overrated tho. She doesn't get a chance to go to a mall in Paris with her favorite superhero everyday. Does she?

"Sorry. It will be my first time shopping in Paris. Also, hanging out with my cousin."

They both smiled. She was sure they were thinking how childish she was. But she was wrong. Gabriel looked at her every reaction with suspicion while Adrien thought how natural andlucky she was. If it was him who reacted like that it would have hard consequences.


"Alice, we can leave whenever you want."

"Coming in a second."

She checked her wand. It usually gives her a purse which is never out of money when she start a mission. This time there was no purse. She checked her pockets and found a credit card. It had her name on. This time, it was a CC. Good job Wandie, she thought. Yes, it was how she named her wand. 

  When she came down to meet Adrien, she saw him checking his phone. 

"Ok, here you are. Let's go!"

He got in the car.

"Actually? Can we walk a little? I've never been to Paris before and cannot really wait to see it."

That was a lie. She has been in Paris before. Many times. Her brother was in love with this city. He even planed to move here when he grew up. 

"We would want to reach the mall before it closes. What about I show you around tomorrow?"

"Fair. We can walk later."  By later, shemeant after she was done with buying new clothes. She got in the car. 

"Since I don't know anything about you, do you wanna tell me a little bit about yourself?" 

"Hey. You are not the only one. I didn't know you exist before today."

"Okey fair. I'll start. I am Alice. Age 17. I lived with my mom in Santa Fe before she send me here. I am in a relationship with someone. Someone my mom didn't approve. That's actually why she sent me here. My favorite colour is green. I like skiing and reading in my free time. I am not exactly a sportive person but I know a lot about many sports. I love cats. Especially black ones.I think they are misunderstood."

Adrien's face changed with her last sentence. Was it possible that she has a crush on him? They are relatives it cannot happen. She doesn't know it's me tho, he thought. Either way, now, he had a friend who likes blakc cats. Alice watched his face chance after my last sentence. He looked glad, she thought . Glad that somebody understands he is not bad luck.

"Okey. It's your turn."

"I'm Adrien. I'm 16. My mom left me around year ago. Since then, I live with my dad. I go to college here in Paris for half a year now. I do fencing and learn Mandarin. I model for my dad's company so I don't have many free time. I also think black cats are cute and misunderstood but my favorite animal is ladybug."

She smirked. Was he have to show his affection to LadyBug with his every action? 

"What about girls?"

"There is this girl I like. But we're impossible."

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Not that I am aware of."

"Is she at school? In an older class?"

"I don't know..."

When they're talking, hte car arrived the mall. When they got off the car, Adrien announced.

"Here we are."

"Don't think I'm done with your girl problem. I wanna hear more."

"In your dreams."

Alice winked. He laughed. With his laugh, Alice started to laugh, too. He was so fun to spend time with. Adrien was happy to get a chance to get to know someone from family. He missed spending time with people other than the classmates and coursemates. Yes, he had friends, but it was his extracirricular activies prevents him to spend time with them. It was a relief from his duties; duties to his friends, duties to his father, duties to the city of Paris.

After a few stores, both of their hands were full of bags. I love Wandie, Alice thought. The credit card was limitless. She bought awesome clothes and newest Iphone available. 

"Do you know any good bakery close by? I want some macaroons." 

"One of my classmates owns one. It's not close by but it's close to my house."

He checked his phone.

" If we hurry, we can get a chance to go there before they close."

"Okie Dokie."

They ran to the car just like children. when Alice reached the car she exclaimed.

"I won."

"I didn't know there was a competition."

"There always is a competition of who will get the car first."

"Then, I won the one before."

She didn't answer. Because he was right.

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