Chapter 2

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-Chapter 2-

I started to gather my books together and shoved them into my bag. I admit I might be over reacting about this but I mean come on! Out of like 30 kids she picked ME to show him around! I bet this was because I always day dream in her class.

"So I'm guessing showing me around is just horrible isn't it"

A sarcastic voice said cutting off my thoughts. I looked up and I was lost instantly in those electric blue eyes. I hadn't realized I was staring until he started waving his hand in front of my face.

" Sorry, we should go" I muttered. I felt my face heat up. Well here comes the blush, i thought sarcastically.

"I guess so" Brian smirked. He grabbed my bag and tossed it over his shoulder, "After you, Kylee."

" you don't have to do that, I can hold it" I insisted, reaching for my bag. Brian just shrugged. Oh well.

We walked out of the classroom and made a quick circle around the school, me pointing out major classes and the gym. After when we were passing my locker, I remembered my heavy bag he was still holding. " oh here, that bag's really heavy, I'll take it"

"Oh that's ok, I got it" Brian smiled

"I was just going to put it in my locker.." I told him as I leaned against my locker smirking and his cheeks turned red. "Are you blushing?"

"No" Brian said, turning away.

"It's Ok" I laughed, turning to my locker. I was slowly turning my lock, making sure I got every combination right. For some reason my lock hates me. "So do you want to eat in the cafeteria or outside?" I asked Brian, finally getting my locker open. I dropped my bag inside and grabbed $10 from my wallet. I wouldn't need that much but you never know.

" Oh uh, I forgot my lunch money so it doesn't matter where we go" Brian said, still leaning on the locker beside mine but he was looking at me but there was something in his eyes I just couldn't place. "That's Ok. I have extra money. I can buy you lunch" I told him. Maybe that extra money will come in handy. Then I actually realized what I was doing. Me, Kylee Richards, was about to have lunch with the hottest guy I've ever seen. I pinched myself on my arm. "Did you just pinch yourself?" Brian laughed. "Yes, I didn't think you saw that" I replied, blushing looking down. "Did it have something to do with thinking I'm them the hottest guy you've ever seen?" I stared at Brian dumbfounded. "How did you know that!" I felt myself blushing one hundred shades of red. Wow i blush alot. He hesitated and looked like he was thinking on how to reply to that. "I guess I can just read your face well." I thought about that and remembered when my grandma said the same thing, so I changed the subject. "Well the cafeteria has actualy decent food and today there serving pizza, which is my favourite food ever!" My mouth started watering. My two favourite pizzas are meat lovers and cheese. Yes I know, cheese is plain but I love cheese!

//A.N. Ok so I want to try Brian POV so I'm sorry if it sucks =S \\

-Brians POV-

"Well the cafeteria has actualy decent food and today there serving pizza, which is my favourite food ever!" You could almost see her mouth watering. I chuckled at the thought. She looked at me and gave me a look. "What?" she asked. I just shook my head and smiled. We are still walking to the cafeteria, which seems to be on the other side of the school. I looked around the school. It seems a little smaller then my old school but it was pretty much the same. Vancouver was nice but because of personal reasons, we had to move away. My parents thought we would be more safer here in a smaller town. Hopefully she was right. I have given up a lot to move here. I was the captain of the basketball team, who I lead to the provincials. I was also the quaterback for our football team. Football. That didn't help keeping my ex-girlfriends picture out of my head. Her name was Stacey Moore. She was captain of the girls volleyball team. I thought a she was always the perfect girlfriend. Until the night of one of my football games..


"Brian hurry up man! Were going to be late!" My best friend, Triston yelled.

" Yeah give me a minute." I told him. Stacey was supposed to call me. She does before every game to wish me luck, even if she is already sitting in the stands. This was very unlike her.

"Coach is already mad. You can't really have a minute" Tristen looked really nervous. Well anyone would if you saw our coach mad. "Fine dude, I'm coming" I grabbed my water bottle, towel and helmet and jogged towards the door. Coach gave us a quick pep talk and we all headed towards the tunnel that connected the field to the changerooms. Two cheerleaders held the banner we were supposed to run through. The crowd was wild already but I couldn't help but feel something was wrong. I shook the uneasiness out of my head as we were announced and ran thorugh the banner with my team. The crowd was screaming but I couldnt see Stacey anywhere. That got me nervous. She would've called if she wasn't coming. I didn't even realize that Tristen was leading me to the bench until Coach yelled at me to stay focused. We went through the first play and the game started. It flew by and all of a sudden, it was half. I told coach I had to go to the washroom when I was really going to check my voicemail in the locker rooms. One my way there though, there was noise coming from a portable. //A.N. If you didn't know, a portable is like a little separate classroom. It kind of looks like a trailer\\ I looked around and walked over to it, only to hear moaning. "Ugh that's disgusting." I said, only to myself though, when a guy moaned "Stacey!" Oh hell no! That's not my Stacey! Something kept me walking towards the sounds. I threw the door open, only to find two dark figures on the ground. I couldnt make out their faces,(or anything else thank god) when a girl cried out, "Brian!?" Yep that was definitely my Stacey. "We. Are. Over." I spat. I turned around and slammed the door and returned to the game, feeling numb.

**End of Flashback**

"Brian you Ok?" Kylee looked at me with nothing but concern and care on her face. Inside her head, I saw my image, though looking deep deep in thought.

" Oh yeah I'm good, Just thinking" I looked around and figured by the double doors in front of us, the sound and smell, we were obviously standing in front if the cafeteria.

"Ok well I'm here if you wanna talk" Kylee smiled. It was definitely genuine and she meant every word. "Thanks Kylee" She nodded and went to open the door. I decided to be a gentleman and reached to open it for her instead. Then the most amazing/wonderful/wierdest thing happened.

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- H

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