Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-

Recap: I turned the knob quietly and when I stepped back into the room, I was shocked at what I saw.

Brians POV

After Sam had left into the room, I couldn't help but read Kylee's thoughts. 'I figured i can finally ask Brian the questions that are swarming in my head' Crap I didn't realize how much she had noticed already! But I wasn't ready to tell her. I made up some excuse to get a drink and quickly left, walking to where the cafeteria was, I hoped. I reached a vending machine and reached into my pockets. What? Oh right I forgot my money at home today. I ignored all of the nasty thoughts about me from girls, close enough to see my handsome immortal features. Usually all girls are like this, but Kylee is different. In a good way. She wasn't like those other stuck up pretty girls that only think of themselves or what other people think of them. I can tell Kylee doesn't do either. That's what made me come to the hospital too. I couldn't help but feel bad for Kylee and Sarah about Sarahs dad. I came to help him, and the girls, and to make Kylee happy. Wait what am I saying? I've only known her since this morning! I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I looked around and noticed I was only around the corner from where Kylee was sitting. I got tingles again, though they weren't nearly as bad as when it was when my hand first touched her hand. I would have to ask the elders about it later. Wait, later, later! Oh no Kylee's soccer game is only in 2.5 hours! And from reading her thoughts from before, I could tell this game was very important to her. I turned the corner, only to find.. Sam and Sarah? where was Kylee? They both looked up at me, "Hey, uh, where's Kylee?" Sam answered first, "Shes already inside" I nodded but right when i turned to go in, Sam talked to me again, "Wait Brian?" I turned back to face him, "Don't hurt her ok? I can tell she really likes you and she's never had a boyfriend before and she doesnt know what heart break feels like." Sarah nodded slightly. I'm not big on spilling my feelings or emotions or anything but I guess it's time to fess up. "Dont worry, if she likes me, half of the amount I like her, then I'm sure I can make this work. And I promise, i will never hurt her." I smiled at both of them and Sarah stood up and hugged me. "You better not" She whispered in my ear. She pulled back and sat back down beside Sam. I nodded and for tendering time turned to open the door. I stepped in, meeting Kylee's eyes and broke contact so I could close the door without it making a lot of noise. I saw an empty chair beside Kylee's and sat in it. I found her hand with mine and held it. I thought the way it felt was amazing. It was nothing I've ever felt before, which kind of scared me. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and looked at all of her features. She had a nice body, nice personality, she was anything I could hope for. I'm just scared she will run away when she finds out what I am. "I will be right back I just have to use the bathroom." She stood up and walked away. As soon as she closed the door, I knew what I would have to do. I stood up and looked at the man sleeping in front of me. Ok, time for the real work to begin..

Kylee's POV

When I came out of the bathroom, I saw Brian leaning over Jack. Brians eyes were closed but his hands were on Jacks chest. Wait!!!!! Are his hands glowing?! My eyes grew wide and I looked at Jacks face. It looked, healthier? What is going on! I slowly started to back away from them, inching towards the door. Hopefully Brian doesnt notice me, then I can call a doctor. Maybe the cops. *SMASH* Why is there a plant right here! Brians eyes shot open and he looked at me. His eyes were glowing too. They looked the same way a cats does when it's dark and you shine a light into them. "W-what a-a-are you?" I stammered. My heart felt like it was going to pound through my chest, blood was pumping through my head and there are some major butterflies in my stomach. Brians eyes turned back to the normal blue and he removed his hands from Jacks chest. "Kylee, please if I tell you, you can't run away and tell anyone. Please! Promise me you won't!" Brian begged me not to tell but how could I not tell anyone what I just saw? I dont even know what exactly just happened! All I do know is, "Brian I promise with all of my heart. I just need answers." I slowly started to walk back over to him, my heart still beating wildly. Just then Sarah burst through the door, "Kylee! Soccer starts in an hour! We have to go!" She ran over and kissed her dad on the cheek, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front doors. Sam was already sitting in the car, waiting for us. I turned around and Brian was following with his head down. I can't believe he didn't have time to tell me. What can possibly explain what he just did? The only answer I can think of is if he is some sort of wizard that transfered from Hogwarts. "Oh no Oh no Coach is going to be mad if were late!" Sarah kept mumbling stuff like that to herself and soon enough, we pulled into the school parking lot. I turned and gave Brian an I'm-sorry look as Sarah dragged me towards the changing room entrance behind the school. We ran inside and as we were opening our soccer lockers, we just listened to our Coach scowl us. We changed into our green, black, and silver uniforms in record time and quickly tied our hair into a high ponytail and slipped on a matching headband. Mine black, which looked nice in contrast to my blonde hair and Sarah had silver. We jogged outside and joined our team for the warm up. When we were doing our stretches, I looked around the stadium looking for Brian. I finally found him sitting with Sam and Chris, my 18 year old brother and Kendras girl friend. Most siblings fight but my brother, my 7 year old sister (Sydney), and i get along really well. The whistle blew and coach called us in towards the bench. He told us where everyone was going and I almost cried when he told me I would start on defense. He said it was to get used to how they played but what ever. Sarah was on my left side and Jessica and Kendra were Strikers. Jessica gave me a smug look and I just ignored her. Stupid b***h. The whistle blew again and we all took our positions and the game started. It was all pretty even through out the game. It was tied. Just before second half though they scored. But I have to went though, it was a really good shot. You know, the one that goes up, just over the keepers hands but then down into the net? Yeah it was one of those. It was half time and thank god, coach moved me up to striker and subbed Jessica off. Haha. I finished taking my drink of water and the second half started. My team started with the ball and almost right away, Kendra shot a goal. It was tied again and soon enough, there was only five more minutes left. Whoa some more deja vu. I waited for new subs to come on. Ew Jessica is on, but midfield this time. I looked up into the stands and smiled at Brian. He smiled back but even from far away, I could tell it didn't quite reach his eyes. What's wrong with him? I looked at Kendra and winked. Time for the plan.

*Vote, fan and comment please!!! Also, I'm already writing the next chapter and I think it's pretty exciting. So maybe if I can get more fans, I will post sooner :)* -H

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