Chapter 12

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-Chapter 12-


"I will give you any answers you want to know." He gave my a small smile and sat down against the tree. Whoa when did we get to the tree? I mentally shrugged my shoulders and sat beside him, drawing my knees to my chest.

"Well I guess the simplest one to ask is.." I took a deep breath. "What are you?"

Kylee's POV

**Still dreaming**

Brian sighed. "Well I was hoping to tell you in person.."

I snorted. (Not legitemately but whatever.)

"Well seeing how you just told me we could visit each others dreams, Im thinking you can just answer my questions now." I was kind of angry. I have been kidnapped for what? Four days? Arg I have no idea. I have lost count.

Pouting beside him, I waited for Brian to speak.


"Fine what?" I didnt even look at him. Im mad at him at the moment. He rubbed his hand across his face and then through his hair.

"Im a shapeshifter."

"Uh-huh," Then it clicked. "WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!???" I jumped from my sitting postion and stood tall in front if him. I glared and placed my hands on my hips. "What!" My body reached a new level of shock. I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded but thinking it would pass, I shook it off. I watched in silence as Brian slowly stood up.

My breathes turned shallow.

My vision was framed with a black blur and spots danced before my eyes.

My thoughts were all jumbled.

Brian grabbed my hand and took a breath. I felt warm electricity fill my body. Wow, if this wasnt a dream, I would completely think this was real. Actually, it feels so real now, maybe I really am with Brian. Yeah thats it, I dreamed I was being kidnapped. Everything was a dream. I shut my eyes tight.

"Kylee please look at me. Open your eyes." Slowly I peeked through one eye.

"Now the other one.." I opened both eyes and stared into his.

"Kylee, Im a shapeshifter. And you are my soul mate."

that did it.

The black that was surrounding my view closed in and my legs gave out from under me. I guess this is what fainting feels like..

**End of dream**

Tears covered my eyes and my blood turned cold. Sitting in my bed, I continued to cry. That was a dream. It was all a dream. But it felt so real! I reached onto my bed side table abd grabbed my tissue box. In mid-nose-blow, someone opened my door. I didnt bother to look up and tried to block my thoughts. I thought about large brick wall that surrounded my mind and left it there. I through the tissue in the garbage. I layed back down.

"Ahem!" Somebody cleared their throat.

"Ahhh!" Dramatically, I somehow rolled off of the bed. "Uhh." I groaned. After I had pushed my hair out of my face, I rubbed my shoulder grumbling some not so nice words. I realized tgere was a guy doubled over holding his stomach. Instincts told me he was hurt but when I saw his face, I was mistaken when I saw that it was read from laughing so hard.

"You. Face. Fall. Hahaha" He said between laughs. I crawled back up returning to my warm bed.

"What are you doing in my room? At.." I peeked at the alarn clock, "5:52am!" I growled. I. Am. Not. A morning person. Mystery boy stopped laughing now and a serious look replaced his amused one.

"Well it seems like a few people have been suspiciously been hanging around this area. We think they might be coming for you so a couple of us are going to investigate. Stacey told me to give you a note explaining that but seeing as your awake, there is no need." He stuffed what I' assuming is the note, into his pocket and began to leave.

"Wait!" He stopped with his hand on tge doorknob and tur ed back towards me. When he didnt reply I went on.

"Whats your name?"


"Are you a vampire?" He had that unnatural look but it was off somehow.

"Half. Half human." Well that would explain why it was 'off somehow'

"Do you know about Staceys plan?" My heart wrenched just talking about it and my eyes went glassy. Reece's face a softened with a frown too.


"What do you think of it?" Tears slowly started to leak now. I dont want to be a vampire. It really wasnt fair Stacey would be pulling me into this too but my mom always used to say that life is never fair.

"I shouldnt say anything about it but on her part, it makes sense. Shes getting payback. Even if I agree that its not quite fair to drag you into this." I rolled my eyes. Of course. He reads minds too.

Reece laughed.

"No I dont read minds. The look on your face just kind of gave away what you were thinking though." He left and closed the door behind him. I replayed his words over in my head.

My alarm clock now reads 5:55am. Well no point going to bed now. I cant sleep so I guess I can just get an early start for the day. I grabbed matching black underwear and a bra. From the other racks in the closet I also grabbed a pair of black short shorts with a pale green off the shoulder top. Grabbing two towels before and putting them on a hook, I jumped in the shower and sighed. I would give anything to be released back into my freedom.


I sighed in sorrow. Let me rephrase that.

I would give anything to be released back into my freedom.

Except for giving up my soul and becoming a vampire.

Too bad its going to happen anyways.

**What do you think??? Sorry its short but I was so excited to finally tell everyone what Brian is :D Bet you didnt see that one coming! I would like 3 votes and 3 comments before chapter 13. So if you love this story so much, do it for me??**


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