Gaara (Naruto)

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GreenR: death and dying are lovely this time of year.

Law: could you cut your morbid crap already Al-ya?

GreenR: I'm just letting the reader know what to wait from the story. And this ain't my quote anyways. My friend Katja said it after we had our Latin exam.

Nice readin' and peace out peeps!


You sighed quietly so no one would hear and pretended to be interested in what they were talking about. You liked your friends for most of the time, honestly, but they were teenagers now. And we all know what that means. Every second conversation is about That.


You had honestly heard every single topic taken on and on until you were sick of it. Their looks, personalities, likes and dislikes. From the first meeting to how they would spend their entire life together. Just name it and you had probably heard about it until you were ready to barf out the cookies you'd had for lunch.

It wasn't like you weren't waiting to meet your soulmate. Sure you were. Not to go as far that you were looking for them on the every corner of a street, but still pretty excited. But you didn't feel the need to analyse every single aspect of a person you hadn't even met yet. And if your luck was the same as ever, would never meet.

You held back a yawn and scratched your wrist absentmindedly. On it was in a weird scribble your soulmate's name, as everyone else did, covered with large braided bracelets most of the time. And on the other wrist was the name of your fate-sent enemy, again just as everyone did.

It didn't have to be enemy in a sense of killing each other or becoming great rivals like Moriarty and Sherlock. It could be like the one your mum had with your neighbour on who had better Christmas decorations every year. Your mum has been winning for last three years, just saying. She rocks.

But with your wrists there were two problems. First, both names were written in goddamn kanji, so for the first sixteen years you'd had no bloody idea what names these were. But then you asked around and finally found someone who could read them. And even then they had said tgere was possibility they had read it wrong. So you basically had the name of your other half, but you couldn't read it.

The second annoyance was that two names were exactly the same. Yup, you heard me right. The person who is your fated other half is also your greatest rival. Sounds like something from shoujo manga.

"Y/n" you suddenly heard the voice next to you and realized that your friend had been calling out to you few times already. You had been just too busy writing that journal in your head to notice. Don't worry, that happens to everyone. None of us is perfect.

"Yeah?" you tried to look as if you had been listening to her the entire time on full attention. You did it a lot in school, especially around the history teacher. "What's it?"

"We gotta go back to school," Ten sighed and patted your head with pity. "The Maths is next."

You took your bag from under the table you had thrown it before, when the three of you had gone out for a lunch. You had inhaled your food in first five minutes and then fallen asleep after they had started the whole soulmate talk. What can I say, your attention span is as good as goldfish's. That's not very good, by the way. Oh look, puppy!

The tree of you went back to school and you almost had a stomachache at the thought of going to Maths class and solving these impossible problems for another hour and half. Honestly Maths, stop looking for your X, they are already gone. Deal with it. Get over it. And don't ask Y, either.

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