Lucifer (Blue Exorcist)

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GreenR: hiyah! I guess, to read this one, you need a little bit backstory. I'm not so sure if Blue Exorcist is as widely known as some others are, so I'm leave here a small explanation so you wouldn't be entirely lost in the shot, not a synopsis or anything. Just skip it if you have read the manga or anime.

The manga and anime are about these twin boys who are also half - demons, since their father is the Satan. Satan also has other sons, two of them I have mentioned in this shot. One is Lucifer and other is Mephisto. Lucifer is the head of a secret organisation Illuminati, but he is also very sickly, because the only way for full demons to be in this dimension is to possess the body of a human. And Lucifer is in a body that is weak. Also, Mephisto is an anime otaku.

That should sum up all you need to know.


"Heya loser," you greeted the man who was weakly lying on the pillows of his hospital bed. He was hooked up to a dozens of machines, some of them monitoring his heart rate and others making sure his heart was beating at all. The wires did some strange loops and hooks around the bony limbs that laid weakly on the bed, covered by thin blanket and he had to move very slowly not to mess them up.

"I brought you a gift," you threw a large leather-clad book at him and it landed with a thump next to his knees. From the cover stared up at him a pair of bloodshed eyes in scaled face. You scrunched your nose in distaste at the picture. Even though you had chosen it, you found the picture corny. It tried too hard to be scary.

"Not exactly as romantic as flowers or chocolate," it was followed by a fit of coughs so rough it stained the papertowels in his hands with red. He straightened up slowly, leaning against the pillows and took the book while you dragged a chair next to his bed, sitting down on it.

"You're allergic to both," you marked drily and leaned over the back of the chair. And also to dust, although you didn't mark that. That was also the reason you had spent hours on that book you had given him, removing every single trace of possible triggers of allergic reactions between the pages.

"Idea is what counts," Lucifer flipped through the pages, from time to time stopping and looking at illustrations of people in horrendous pain. They were adorable. You thought you even saw an image about cannibalism somewhere.

"I'll draw you a flower next time," you promised easily. "But it's gonna be a daisy. I don't do difficult stuff." Roses are difficult. But maybe you could do with a tulip. Tulips are basically forks, but with stouter prongs. Also tulips are not as sharp as forks.

You fingers itched for something to do, so you picked up a clean paper towel from the stand next to the bed and started ripping it into pieces. Like snow. Weird paper-y snow that doesn't melt. You tapped your toes on the floor. How long would it take to read one lousy book?

You hated waiting and sitting quietly. The silence made you worry and you hated worrying as well. So every time your skin started crawling with the heaviness of silence, you started to jump around ran away. In silence there was too much responsibility. And when responsibilities    weren't handled right, people got hurt. It was easier to stay away and have your heart stay intact.

Sadly, every time you came to visit that goon Lucifer, most of the time was filled with silence. You weren't even entirely sure why you came at all. Because everything you did around there for him were the things he could have easily ordered his worshippers/servants to do. An adult like you should already have better things to do with their free time. Ha! Just kidding. You were no adult. At least not very adult-y adult.

The paper towel had been ripped into pieces more resembling dust than anything else, so you quietly put them inside the drawer of the night stand. There was no trash can near you. You wiped your hands clean into your jeans, fingers finding a loose thread in the fabric and pulled on it. Soon it came off and there was a tiny hole in the jeans. Great.

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