Gaara part 2 (Naruto)

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GreenR: hiya. I think I'm gonna leave questions for you guys up here instead of notes from now on. First it's shorter and second, I find out more cool stuff about you.

Now, Law.

Law: *walks in the room holding huge green banner*

GreenR: *facepalms* I asked for the banner with question, not Bruce.



You glared at Ten, deeply disturbed by what she was saying. A straw of a juicebox was hanging from your mouth and you slurped down some juice through it.

"Are you shitting me?" You asked, still chewing on the straw. You crossed your arms on the desk, as you were basically planking over it, feeling rather comfy.

"No," Ten huffed. "And stop that swearing so much."

"I haven't sweared for shi- jack today," you corrected yourself quickly when you saw her very much mum-like expression. "And seriously? Why would they think I'm a bad person now?"

"Well, have you looked at him?" Ten rolled her eyes and shuffled with a notebook on your desk. "And it makes you look a little scary as well."

"Pshaw," was the only thing you said, but your thoughts were much louder kind. These were screaming out loud at the prejudices of humans and how these made them think like they could know everything about someone just in first five minutes after taking a look at them.

"Pshaw," you said again and shook your juice box. Empty. You sighed and threw it in the thrash bin near the class door. "Yee haw," you said emotionlessly when it went in. "Three points for me."

"Oh don't be such a moody little jerk," Ten sighed and let go of the notebook. "Anyways, whatcha doing for Valentine's?"

"I'm gonna be a hermit."

"It isn't Halloween, you can't play that card again," you furrowed your eyebrows and pursed lips. "And don't make that face. You're gonna get wrinkles."

"What if I want wrinkles?" You were getting pissed off by everything recently. "What if I want to be a little old geezer who has so many wrinkles that one starts where the other ends?"

"Such a pity," Ten sighed, pulling on a strand of her muddy brown hair thoughtfully. "Now that you finally have someone to spend the day with and you're bailing on it."

"We're just friends," you said fiercely. "And I'm perfectly alright with being single, independent woman for the rest of my days." You sat down after the statement, not even having realised when you stood up.

"Alrigh alright," Ten waved her arms, trying to distract you. "I'm just saying that even friends can do something on good old St. Val's."

"Like horror movies?" You got a little excited. If the day was about horror movies, you'd be alright. There was new Lamps movie you had wanted to go see anyways.

"Maybe something milder," Ten guided lightly. "Like umm.... do you know how to skate?"

"Does watching Yuri!!! On Ice count?" You asked back. She knew you were alright as long as skating involved standing up and moving forwards.

"You should try that. Friends do that. Plus," she added with a smile that made you feel uneasy. "We're having our skating tests soon in PE. You can't fail three years in a row."

"I got E-," you protested. "That isn't failing."

"You got that grade because teach didn't want to have you failing the class and taking the summer classes," she said harshly. That hurts. Why so truthful? You had really wanted to relish the fact that there was somethingbin winter-y stuff in PE you hadn't failed.

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