Chapter 19

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*Main P.O.V*

Jaden and Jeslyn arrived at the carnival which was full of people, they were dancing, eating and having fun, They saw a lot of old friends there, that they hadn't saw in a long time.

Jeslyn: Hey Jaden let's go to that photo booth over *she pointed at a photo booth*

Jaden: Yeah lets go!

They went over to the photo booth and took millions of photo's making silly faces, smiling, sad faces, and one kissing each other!. They left the photo booth got the pictures and went to get some candy floss.

*Ciaras P.O.V* {In case you forgot Ciara is Jeslyns Best Friend}

It's the middle of the day and I have nothing to do, I could go and meet Jeslyn but since I found that secret I've been scared of talking to  her and not being able to say a word to her about the secret. I had to tell someone this so I decided to tell my mom I mean she keeps all the secrets I tell her and she would give me advise on what I should do, I went to the kitchen where my mom was cooking I told her everything I knew, she told me to tell her when I think it's the right time and right day so I guess I'll just do that then. I could hear music from a distance what's going on?...........Oh yeah the Carnival, how could I forget? I grabbed my jacket and left tot he Carnival with my brother!

*At The Carnival*

Jeslyn and Jaden were dancing when Jaden stopped because he saw something that worried him.

Jeslyn: What's wrong?

Jaden: Oh nothing....I just thought I saw someone...

Jeslyn: Oh okay

*Jadens P.O.V*

I was dancing with Jeslyn when I saw one of them guys that was with Chad the other day, I think he didn't notice me which is good, then We spotted Ciara I haven't saw her in a while!


Ciara: JEEEEESLYN! and Heeey Jaden!

Jaden: Whats Up C?

Ciara: I'm good!

Jeslyn: Ok Cool

Ciara: Yeah!, Yo Chris!

Chris: Yeah?....

Ciara: Come! -He walked over-

Chris: Hey Jeslyn, Haven't seen you in a while....

Jeslyn: Hey Chris! and yeah I know....

Ciara: Jaden, this is my brother Chris!

Jaden: Okay Cool, Hey Chris....

Chris: Hi.....

Chris is one of Chads friends, how did this happen? Ciara probably doesn't even know that her brother hangs around with him and that he did bad things to me and Jeslyn! I wonder what she would do if she found out....because she likes arguing and he's her brother!

Ciara: How long have you guys been here?

Jeslyn: We've been here for like 3 hours!

Ciara: Oh cool, look over there! *She pointed to a crowd of people dancing in a circle*

Jaden: Yeah lets go!

We went over to a load of people dancing it looked like they were having a dance battle, I loved these they were so fun, a lot of people stopped and started whispering to each other "Its Jaden Smith" I was hoping they wouldn't attack me, and they didn't instead they started chanting "Jaden!, Jaden!, Jaden!" They wanted me to dance I couldn't say no I LOVE dancing I went to the middle of the circle and started dancing, everyone cheered me on I carried on dancing until the music finished and everyone clapped, when I left the crowd Jeslyn kissed me, and said my dancing was great, I love her so much! Then a bunch of people surrounded us and asked me for autographs and pictures! So I did after all that Me, Jeslyn, Ciara and Chris went to sit at a table to get some drinks.

Ciara: Wow your good at dancing Jaden!

Jaden: Thanks!

Jeslyn: I know right, he's awesome!

Chris: Uum....Sorry I've got to go guys....

Ciara: Where are you going?

Chris: Places, why do you always ask me?, I'm your older brother I have to worry about you, not you worry about me okay?

Ciara: Whatever!

I bet he's going to meet up with Chad, that's why he didn't tell anyone! how could he have the courage to hang with me and Jeslyn after everything he did? I feel sorry for Ciara not knowing this, I'm not going to tell her, but I'm going to show her what he does, so she believes me straight away!

*Chris's P.O.V*

Seriously Jaden and Jeslyn had to be there? I'm glad they didn't say anything to Ciara while I was there! Since Jeslyn broke up with Chad I lied to Ciara that I didn't hang with him anymore, but we've been friends since we where 4 now so I couldn't just leave him because my sisters best friend broke up with him, and Yes I also take drugs, but I don't drink Chad is trying to get me into drinking but don't listen to him. I left the Carnival and went over to Chads place I had some serious things to talk about with him, earlier today I heard Ciara and my mom talking about something very suspicious since I had nothing better to do I told Chad!

*Main P.O.V*

Chad: Yo whats up Chris?

Chris: Nothin' really, you won't believe who I was with?

Chad: Who?

Chris: Jaden and Jeslyn!

Chad: Really?!, what did they do to you?

Chris: Nothing, I was with Ciara so they didn't even say a word they love her!

Chad: Haha really?

Chris: Yep!, there is something else I have to tell you!

Chad: What?

Chris: *Told him everything he heard Ciara say to her mom*

Chad: Wooooow!

Chris: Yep!

Chad: I'm totally telling Jeslyn this!

Chris: But just like that?...

Chad: You're right, I'll tell her on her movie premier!

Chris: Hahahaha that will be special!

Chad: Yep, and I'll say Jaden knew the whole thing all along!

Chris: And she'll leave Jaden, and come to you!

Chad: You know it! *They laughed*


Sorry I Just Ended The Chapter Like That, I Didn't Know How To Finish It.....So Yeah, Stay Tuned To Find Out What Happens Next! ;P xx #PEACE

Love You Like A Love Song (Jaden Smith Crazy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now