Chapter 32

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*Jeslyn's P.O.V*

THE DAY HAS CAME, time to go back home! I'm all ready and dressed and everything is packed, Carlos is also ready and we're on our way to the airport now. There was only one sad thing about this and it was saying bye to the whole family. I told them I would still come and visit once in a while because I'll also miss Cuba. We finally arrived at the airport and checked in and did all that stuff, then we had 20 minutes of waiting, I called my mom to tell her that we had done everything and we were just waiting for the plane to arrive, then I called my OTHER mom and told her the same, since she was going to pick me up then we were gonna have dinner.

The plane finally arrived and we went in, Carlos let me get a window seat because I love sitting next to the window, I get such a wonderful view.

Carlos: Are you excited?

Jeslyn: Yeah of course I am!

Carlos: I love seeing you this happy *They kissed*

Jeslyn: Well you know how much I've been looking forward to this, trust me, you'll love it there!

*Jaden's P.O.V*

Woke up early today, even though the dinner doesn't start in hours but I guess I'm just too excited! I want to start new with Jeslyn, I want to be friends with her and I hope she accepts that. Before she left I treated her like shit after we broke up and should have never done that! BUT things are different know and I realise what I did was wrong, Anyway I'll go find something to do until it's time for the dinner!

*Carmin's P.O.V*

Already helped mom tidy the house, prepare the food and everything else. I guess she's really happy about Jeslyn coming back and she's hoping we'll all have a close relationship, that might happen between them but not me, I don't like Jeslyn... like the way she just appeared in my life and took everything away from me wasn't right! Now I'm going to do the same to her so she knows how it feels, well I have to pick her up now and act all "nice" and Chad better arrive early!.

*Jeslyn's P.O.V*

Finally breathing the air of L.A! oh how I missed this place, it's only been 3 years but I feel like a big part of me was taken away for a long time. Carlos and I went to collect our luggage and went to wait for Rose to arrive. A few minutes later her and Carmin arrived, Rose came over and gave me a big hug, a really warm and welcoming one!

Rose: Jeslyn, we missed you so much, how was your flight?

Jeslyn: It was great thank you, and I missed you too!

Rose: You've changed so much, in a good way obviously haha!

Jeslyn: Thank you, this is Carlos, my boyfriend!

Rose: Nice to meet you Carlos *She smiled at him with a impressed look*

Carlos: Nice to meet you too, now I see where Jeslyn gets her beauty from!

Rose: Aaaw how sweet, and this is my other daughter Carmin!

Carmin: Hey nice to meet you Carlos!, Jeslyn I see you still get all the hot boys huh?

Jeslyn: *Sighed* Good to see you too Carmin!

Rose: Umm C'mon lets go guys, you must be hungry right?

Jeslyn&Carlos: Yeaah!

We all got in the car and drove off to their house, on our way their I showed Carlos the places I'd like to take him, he seemed to like L.A so far, too bad Rose doesn't live in Calabasas my old home, I could of showed him. We arrived and there was already a car waiting there in front of their house.

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