Chapter 52 - The Final Chapter

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*Jeslyn's P.O.V*

Finally Chad is out of my life. When Jaden told me the news I was so happy, I can finally live my life happily again and continue with my career which kind of stopped a few years ago. Once Christopher gets a little older I'm thinking about working on some things. Everyone's getting on with their life now, Chris is finally looking for a job and he's giving up on the drugs. Carmin is now starting her modelling career and she's finally got her self esteem back. Who would of thought that just one person could mess up so many people's lives. According to the police Chad has some strange obsession disorder and it's all because of me... he wont stop talking about me and he "cries my name" at night because he misses me and he's just been acting strange in general. I personally find it awkward and Jaden just doesn't like talking about the situation. I mean you would hate it if some guy was obsessed with your girlfriend and he was currently in prison. We've had various dinner's with family and friends at our house. Life is just so different now, I feel like a new person now that I'm a mother and I can do things freely with out having to worry about Chad doing something. I was almost done wit tidying the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and Mariah had the most worried look on her face, I didn't know what to say because to be honest I didn't want her to come in. I heard Jaden walk towards the door behind me.

Jaden: Mariah?

Mariah: Jaden I really need to talk to you!

She pushed through me and entered the house. Okay just invite yourself inside.

Jaden: Um... what's wrong?

I looked at her and her eyes looked watery, she moved closer to Jaden.

Mariah: I think it's time I told you the truth....

She started crying and Jaden moved back a bit.

Jaden: The truth about what?

Mariah: Our daughter, I thought that once the news was out you would realise that it was me but you didn't...

Jaden: Woah, woah, woah

He waved his hands around and looked at her again.

Jaden: Daughter? I thought that was a stupid rumour!

Mariah: It's not, we have a cute little daughter she's the most beautiful girl ever!

She started smiling and wiped her tears.

Jeslyn: If you have a daughter with Jaden, why are you only telling him now?

She gave me a evil glare.

Mariah: Because we were young! and I thought he wouldn't accept her!

Jeslyn: Mhmm, yeah okay so you're telling him now because you know he has a son?

Mariah: Yes, I'm glad you understand the situation Jeslyn! Well done you!

I shook my head and laughed.

Jeslyn: Well I think there's a part of the situation that YOU don't understand which is that we don't belive you!

Mariah: You might not believe me but Jaden does....

Jeslyn: Do you?...

We both looked at Jaden who didn't give us an answer, I raised my eyebrows at him.

Jaden: I... um don't know, I mean...

Jeslyn: Jaden wake up!, can't you see she's clearly doing this to ruin our relationship!

I grabbed his arms and shook him, Mariah pushed me out of the way once again crying.

Mariah: Jaden you can't believe here, remember when you promised me that you'd always love me know matter what? I was your first love....

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