Chapter 22 'Movie Premier Tour!' - Part 3

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*Main P.O.V*

It was 6 in the morning and everyone was already awake because they had to leave early to go to New York. As usual everyone met up at Jeslyns house but this time Ciara didn't go because she wasn't aloud and also they were going to meet Jaden there in New York at 6:30 Rose and Carmin arrived.

Maria: Hey!

Rose: Hi Maria & Marcos!

Marcos: Hi

Rose: And Hey Jeslyn!

Jeslyn: Hey....

*Jeslyn's P.O.V*

Wow this is so awkward, now that I know she's my mom....I don't know what to do if I should try and talk to her or something, because at the end of the day, she is a nice person!, well I got my second dress that I was going to wear at the New York premier but I didn't design this one! I hope everyone likes it though. I decided to leave home in my casual clothes and I would get ready for the red carpet when we arrived in the hotel. My mom came and told everyone the cars were outside waiting for us, we all went outside and saw two black cars, we went inside and drove to LAX (L.A Airport) we did all the things we needed to do and got on the plane. I went on and saw the long corridor with seats on each side I had no idea where to sit so I just picked a random seat. I had nothing to do so I stood up and opened the mini cabin on top of my seat and got out my handbag, I grabbed my iPod and headphones and listened to music. It was taking a while for the airplane to take off, I was looking out the window and I saw all the staff coming towards the plane, I guess we're gonna leave now. Just then someone tapped my shoulder.

Rose: Hey Can I sit here?

Jeslyn: Yeah..sure!

Rose: Thanks!

Great! now she's gonna sit next to me, even more awkward!, but to kill the awkwardness one of the staff came and told us to put on our seat belts because the plane was going to take off. She showed us all the safety things in case of an accident. I got out some gum from my pocket because when I chew it, it helps me to stop my ears  from popping!.....A few minutes went passed and we were now in the sky the clouds looked so beautiful!

Rose: So are you excited for the New York premier?

Jeslyn: Yeah..I am..

Rose: That's good, you know I think you did a great job in the movie you're a awesome actress!

Jeslyn: Thanks, but shouldn't you be saying that to your daughter? (She looked at Carmin)

Rose: Yeah are my daughter...

Jeslyn: Yeah....sorry I didn't want it to come out that way!

Rose: No it's okay I understand...

Jeslyn: one quick question!

Rose: Yeah?

Jeslyn: Well...Why did you name me Jeslyn?

Rose: Well Jeslyn means blessed with wealth and beauty!

Jeslyn: Yeah...I know that but, I mean to pick that name for me, you really must of loved me right?

Rose: Yeah...not loved, but I still do!

Jeslyn: *Smiled* Does Carmin mean anything?

Rose: Yep!, Carmin is actually short for Carminda which means beautiful song, but she just prefers people calling her Carmin!

Jeslyn: Ohh...

Rose: So where's Jaden?...he's your boyfriend right?

Jeslyn: Yeah, he is and we're meeting him in New York!

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