Chapter 3

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"Is that it, Momma? It's so pretty!"

After a long road, Yukari let out a sigh of relief as Kumogakure came into view. How long had it taken for them to get here? How many places had they stayed at? How many bandits had they encountered to get to this point? She couldn't really remember. All she knew was that the long journey had finally come to an end. She was finally leagues away from the Hidden Leaf Village. It didn't mean she was entirely safe, but at least now Sanyu had a better chance at survival.

She looked down at him, staring into his mismatched eyes. They stared back at her with joy and he smiled at her. She clutched him tightly to her chest and felt a tear run down her cheek. She hadn't allowed herself to think much about Tobirama until now. That eye staring back at her, the same shade as his fathers.

As they came to the checkpoint, she stopped. Karou looked back at her, "Aoi, come on! We're finally here."

But she couldn't. Tobirama's voice filled her head, speaking sweet nothings to her, talking about his dreams for the village, and talking about the life they would have together as they sat underneath a cherry blossom tree. She glanced at the path behind her. It would take her back to where she started and she could see him again. She could explain everything and show Tobirama his son. They could be a family.

Then, Madara flashed in her mind and what he had said to her. But you can never come back here. If she went back now, what would happen? What if she failed to keep him safe there, where they would be just a few houses away from Madara? If she told Tobirama everything Madara would be gone from the village. But they wouldn't be safe. He would come back for them and as much as she believed in Tobirama, Madara would not stop until they were dead at his feet, no matter how much strong Tobirama was. He would find a way to rip Sanyu from them.

"Aoi, come on," Karou's soft voice found her ears and there was a hand on her shoulder, "We can't turn back now. We both know what awaits us if we go back."

As much as her heart yearned to see Tobirama again, Karou was right. If she went back, she wouldn't even make it into Konoha before Madara killed her. And if Karou went back to her little village, she would surely be dead as well.

She turned her head back to the checkpoint and walked in hand with Karou and her young daughter, Masa. This wasn't for them – it was for their children. It was to keep them safe and here, they could do just that. Or so Yukari hoped. She knew one day Madara would come for her, but at least now she could prepare for that day. And she could prepare Sanyu as well.

The man that met them had short, crimson hair tied up into a small ponytail and dark eyes, but he had a very friendly and welcoming warmth as he greeted them. "You all look exhausted. Where did you travel from?" The red-haired guard spoke to her as they walked into the village, which seemed to be a little larger than the Leaf.

Before Yukari could answer him, Masa tugged at the man's pant leg and pointed up at him. "Look momma! He has pretty hair just like mine!"

A pinkish color came to the man's face at her comment. Karou sighed and looked apologetically at the man as she took her daughter up in her arms. The man looked at Masa and ruffled her hair. "Just like yours and your mother's."

Karou giggled and held Masa close to her. The man looked back at Yukari. She smiled at him, "We've travelled a long way from the Land of Fire."

The man's eyes widened, "The Land of Fire? That is quite a journey. Why would you come all the way here? I hear there is a village, the Hidden Leaf."

She was hesitant about telling this man about why they were here. She knew she would have to explain, but she wanted to save that for the person in charge. The explanation for why they had come so far would be the final obstacle in getting them into this village. At least, Yukari's situation would be. Karou would get in no problem.

A Wicked Game (Sequel to Expenses of Love)Where stories live. Discover now