Chapter 8

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As per every year – at Tobirama's request – Hashirama, Tobirama, and Mito dressed in black and headed for the graveyard of the Hidden Leaf. On this day, ten years ago, Tobirama had lost everything – the everything being Yukari. In those ten years, he hadn't moved on from her. He couldn't bring himself to. He still had so much love for her.

On their way there, they passed the Uchiha compound. Madara would not be joining them, he never did. He always said that he wanted to be alone with her and his dead child. But for someone claiming to have loved her, he didn't show it – not like Tobirama. He on the other hand had been a solemn character since her passing, even more so than he already had been.

But this day would not be like the others. It wasn't until they came from the graveyard that they noticed something was off – the air had become thick and heavy, though there were no visible changes around them. Hashirama was first to notice it. He stopped before entering the graveyard, looking in the direction of the Uchiha compound. Something was different, almost wrong. It was then he realized it – he couldn't feel Madara's chakra within the village.

It wasn't an unusual thing the past few years – he would leave for a couple weeks at a time claiming he was going on a mission. Hashirama always gave him his blessing to go, because when Madara came back, he seemed lighter – like the kid he had met at the river back then. But this – this was different. It was bad. He could just feel it. So, he turned to his brother and Mito, handing them the flowers he had brought. "There's something I have to take care of really quick. I'll be back!

"Hashirama! You know how today goes! What could you have possibly forgotten?"

Hashirama turned a light shade of red and rubbed his neck in embarrassment, "Something at the office. It's really important. I'll be back in a second!"

Before they could protest his lie, he ran off, leaving them at the graveyard speechless. He had to see for himself – he had to see Madara. It was a long time coming, but today? Of all times, it had to be today?

Hashirama left the village in a hurry, not really answering the guards questions as he ran out, following the feeling of his old friends chakra. He found himself on top of a spot that overlooked the village, and standing at the edge was Madara. He was equipped with his red armor, sword at his side and his gunbai strapped to his back. He had been dreading this day, but knew it was inevitable.

He approached his longtime friend, stopping a couple feet away. "Madara, where are you going?"

Madara looked over the village as he spoke. "I can't stay here. This place is not my home. It never was and never will be," he turned towards Hashirama, "and when I do come back, I'll be coming for your head."

This kind of comment did not surprise Hashirama. He had sensed and seen Madara's growing hatred for the Leaf for a long time now. He had tried on multiple occasions to get through to Madara, but all had failed. "Madara, please reconsider. Even after everything, you're still my friend."

"No, no I'm not."

Hashirama did not try to stop him as Madara started walking past him, pausing next to Hashirama. "Before I go, there is something you should know. It's about Yukari's death.""

Why would he wait until now to tell him something like this? "What do you know?"

Madara's gaze became more intense, more hateful. It was murderous. "She's alive."

His eyes flew open as he spun to face Madara fully. That was impossible! There was no possible way she was alive all this time. He had seen her dead body and the blood with his own eyes. He had touched her cold, lifeless body and felt no pulse. She had died. He saw it with his own eyes! "Yukari is dead, she has been for ten years! What kind of game are you playing?"

A Wicked Game (Sequel to Expenses of Love)Where stories live. Discover now