Chapter 4

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After a long while, Tobirama began to feel slightly better. He began to see that being depressed like this wasn't going to ease the pain he felt, and he knew Yukari would never want to see him like this. For her, he returned to the outside world more openly – openly to anyone but Madara.

Today he was with Hashirama. Joining them was Madara. They were to inspect the ninja academy that had been built to instruct those who wanted to become shinobi to defend themselves. Even though there was no war now, it did no harm to train the next generation, just in case.

Tobirama avoided Madara the best he could during this inspection. That man had taken everything from him. Madara had this small smirk on his face the entire time. He knew Tobirama was suffering, and Tobirama knew he was getting pleasure from it. If it weren't for Hashirama, he would kill him. It was because of Madara Yukari left. It was because of Madara he couldn't see her.

He blamed him for her death as well. He blamed him for everything.

They strolled by a class, where students were being taught the basics. Tobirama paused outside the door, watching and listening. Hashirama and Madara had gone on without him, chatting nonchalantly. But Tobirama was focused elsewhere.

This is exactly what Yukari wanted – this academy. She worked quite hard on it before she had become pregnant. It was her dream to see it finished, so children could learn how to defend themselves and learn jutsu in a safe environment – one a lot safer than she grew up in, and himself as well.

"Tobirama-sama." Tobirama looked at the instructor, giving a small nod. The class was staring at him, and simultaneously they all spoke, "Good afternoon Tobirama-sama!"

He couldn't help but smile a little. This is exactly what Yukari wanted. He wished she were here to see it.

The sadness he had been dealing with overcame him once again. He nodded once again to the class and walked off to join Hashirama and Madara, who were waiting outside for him. He stood next to them as they spoke, not really paying too much attention to what they were saying.


He looked at his elder brother, who was quite concerned. "What is it, Hashirama?"

Hashirama smiled. "Madara and I were just discussing how to further the children's training. I've suggested putting them into three man squads with a jonin to train them."

What his older brother said sounded similar to what Yukari wanted. He wasn't surprised. Yukari and Hashirama were close, and they both shared the same dream with the academy. They drew the blueprints together and watched it as it was built.

Tobirama nodded. "I like the idea. I would like to take on a team."

His words seemed to surprise his older brother, for his eyebrows rose and his eyes practically took up his whole face. "You want to train a team?"

He rolled his eyes, but a small smile appeared on his face. "Yukari said she wanted to take the first team. I think I'll do that instead."

A huge smile appeared on Hashirama's face. "Of course, little brother! This is so exciting!" Hashirama beamed.

Madara however wasn't so pleased. His mouth was turned upwards in disgust and he became visibly irritable. His arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes narrowed. "It's no good to be hung up on those that are dead."

Tobirama sneered at Madara. Hashirama was the only thing standing between them. "You're over this quite quickly, Madara, for someone who loved her."

Madara didn't say anything else on the matter – he just stared at him. When he did speak, it was to Hashirama, "I'll be heading back now. I'll be at the meeting tomorrow, Hashirama."

A Wicked Game (Sequel to Expenses of Love)Where stories live. Discover now