Road Tri- Hey Who Invited You!?

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Writer's block has passed by and I'm safe. Whew. This chapter has a few scenes from Spider-Man Homecoming, but it's really mixed up. Don't blame me if something isn't right; this is fan-fiction. Btw if you haven't guessed the person in the parenthesis is Tony. I don't hate him at all. Tony is amazing. Sorry, I'm late I fell asleep in the middle of writing this chapter. OK, now that I'm done making your ears bleed... please enjoy :).

"OK, let's go and patch you up." Happy told me while getting into the driver's seat. I nodded, and Happy started driving.

(You didn't come just with that leg wound. You-)

Shut up, Tony. So we were going to Stark Tower. Everything was going smoothly when a shadow passed overhead and dropped itself on top of us. It ripped open the hood of the car and dragged me out.

"Hey! Put me down. Where are you going?" I asked. My kidnapper was this guy in a metal wingsuit. He also had a helmet and mask on.

I threw a web at his face to blind him temporarily. It worked, and he dropped me. I fell for a bit, and a few seconds before I would become a bug pancake on the pavement I shot a web at the nearest buildings and swung. I knew that I had to find a place where no citizens would get hurt. I found a small patch of land on the edge of the city and landed over there.

Bird Guy- I seriously need to get him a better name- landed in front of me.

"So, you're the new spider people are talking about," he said.

"Sure, and you're that birdbrain that people are talking about. By the way... what do you want me to call you? Bird guy? Birdie? Buzzard? Mr. Feathers?" I asked trying to annoy this new enemy.

He replied, "You can call me Vulture." He pulled out a contraption and something shot out of it. It was a laser beam.  I dodged, and we started to fight. I was dodging the lasers trying to get closer but avoiding the wings. It started to look like I was winning, but Vulture ruined it by flying up and throwing a gem-like object at me.

 It was as small as my fist.

 "Karen, what is that?" I asked.

 She replied, "It seems to be some sort of bomb."

 I gasped and tried to pick it up and throw it away, but I was too late. The bomb exploded and I flew into a small abandoned house.

 It collapsed on top of me. I tried to move, but my leg and stomach started screaming at me. I yelled in pain. A pole had pierced my abdomen while a heavy piece of rubble was pressing down on my infected leg wound. My mask was ripped in half. I think I had a minor concussion. I shifted so I could reach my phone, but more rubble just fell down. I think I felt one of my ribs crack. I groaned while dialing Tony's emergency number.

 Tony picked up, "Hey, spider. 'You okay?"

"T-Tony?" I croaked.

 "Yeah, it's me. What's wrong kid?"

 My next words were barely a whisper, "P-please, help"

"Kid? Spider-Man? Spider-Man!? Answer me!" Tony said with panic layered in his voice. I didn't answer, for I had passed out.

(*shouting profanities because this is the end of the chapter*)

Welp. Bye. *runs away from screaming fans*


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