Hello, World... Agh! My Eyes!

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Before you all kill me for that last cliffhanger, let me write this chapter. You have probably skipped this author's note, but for those who haven't... cool. Now... on with the chapter! Please enjoy :).

"Kid? Spider-Man? Spider-Man!? Answer me!" Tony said with panic layered in his voice. I didn't answer, for I had passed out.

"Ugh," I groaned. My eyes opened just to immediately shut themselves again from the lights.

Suddenly, the memories all flooded back. Happy, Vulture, the bomb, the warehouse, calling Tony. I looked around. I was in this unnecessarily bright room. I had an IV and heart monitor hooked up to me. Wait, I thought, where's my mask!? I was in a white hospital gown. They took my suit off. They know who I am. They know who I am!

I was panicking by now. The monitor was beeping like crazy. I looked around again, but I couldn't find my suit. Then, Tony walked in.

"Kid, you're awake? Oh, thank God! Kid, are you OK? Spider?" Tony asked noting my panic.

"Tony, what am I doing here? Do you know who I am? Where's my suit?" I sent out a barrage of questions.

"Whoa, kid. One at a time. Calm down," Tony said it's his hands raised in a placating gesture.

"What am I doing here?"

He looked at me as if I was crazy, "Peter, you had two cracked ribs, a pole through your abdomen, an infected leg wound, a minor concussion, and many other injuries that would take to long to mention."

"Where's my- wait? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

"Peter Benjamin Parker, 17 years old. Son of Richard and Mary Parker. Uncle died when you were 15, Aunt died a few months later... Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, I-I don't exactly like to broadcast it to the world and I don't want people to pity me. I'm still the same person. I don't need anyone's help."


"Well bad for you because I already sorted everything out," Tony said with a triumphant look, "Say hello to your new father."

"Y-yo-you, WHAT!?"

"Yes, I adopted you, Peter. You're like a son to me."

"No-no, take that all back. Please, everyone that gets close to me dies. Please," I begged.

"No, kid stop saying that. You're amazing, and I can protect myself."

I looked up at him and saw love in his eyes, "Really?" I asked, letting hope shine through.

"Of course" and with that, I held out my hands and we hugged, "Thanks... Dad."

*sob* This is so cliche. But, da feels! Anyhoo, one more chapter and I think we will be done. See y'all Monday!

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